Chapter 42

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The next day, Aphmau was walking very slowly around the room. She felt a little better now that her brain stem doesn't hurt. But she has to wear a cast around her neck. As she was walking her mother knocked on the door. "Jess dear? Do you really want to leave Garroth?" Savana asked her daughter "mom. He is engaged. Even if he stops it. We both have duties to attend to. We both have kingdoms to rule" "Jessica. You know he will be sad to know you left without him knowing, right?" "I know mom. I don't want him to worry about me. This is my life and I control it" "alright then"
Savana helps Aphmau get dressed in the washroom. As soon as they finished they went outside and went to the carriege.
Meanwhile with Garroth. Garroth is at the meeting room with the king of Scaleswind. The king is sitting down a fancy chair aswell as Garroth. "Sir. What did O'khasis do that made you want to bring up war?" Garroth kindly asked "your father came to Scaleswind. He offered to help since Scaleswind's goods are running out. Turns out he stole the rest of our goods and gave them to his villagers. Up to now, Scaleswind is hunting for food. The villagers are dying" "I'm very very sorry for my father's actions. I'll be sure to give you-" "no. Your already getting married" "sir. Your daughter loves another. Don't you want her to be happy?" "She does?" "She does, she loves a guard named Dante" the king went furiuse "Dante?! He has been band from the kingdom! He hurt my daughters feelings! He cannot be eith her!" -Dante this wont happened if you weren't so stupid!- Garroth thought to himself "*ahem* sir I love someone else. Please give some sympathy. It will never work out for me and Nicole. All we love will be shattered. Please" "fine. I'll give you this. If you help my kingdom I will stop the wedding" "oh thank you sir" "no problem. Now I need to have a word with Garte" the king left. Just then Kawaii chan entered "Kawaii chan? What now?" "Kawaii chan is sorry but. Princess Jessica chan left with her mother. Donna chan said she came back to her village" "WHAT!?" "Kawaii chan is sorry Prince Garroth kun. But she might not nor never return" "thank you for the heads up Kawaii chan. Is Laurance still here?" "No sir. He is Princess Jessica's head guard in her kingdom. So he is on duty" "what about Dante?" "Dante kun is at his station" "can you call Zane for me?" "Yes sir" Kawaii chan bowed and left -Aphmau. Why did you leave me?- Garroth thought to himself
Phoenix drop's villagers have lined up to see their princess safe and sound. "Princess Jessica is back!" One shouted "princess Jess welcome back!" Another said. The villagers were happy to see their soom to be queen. As they arrived at the castle, Aphmau went to her room. Ignoring everyone. She sees a puppy. "A puppy?" She looked at her colar "Celestia?" The puppy barked happily "if your my puppy, I'm sorry but I don't remember much" she pucks up Celestia and pets her.
While she was having fun petting Celestia, she heared a knock on the door "hey Princess" Laurance says entering the room "hey. Laurance was it?" "Yes ma'am" "don't call me that. What's the matter?" "I'm your head guard I think I'm also your personal guard" "you think?" "Yeah I do. Will you attend the cornation of Garroth?" "No. He might see me" "alright then. Your cornation is in 2 weeks" "isn't that also the wedding of Garroth abd Nicole?" "The wedding has been canceled. It is now Garroth and Nicoles cornation day" "wait. So were having the same cornation date?" "I guess so" "see? You don't think, you guess" "atleast I use my mind" "shut up" "yes miss"

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now