Chapter 13 - Home News

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Aphmau's pov

I we returned and we saw a group of girls. I went to them

"Lord Aphmau! Welcome back!" Lucinda says with a smile
"hey Aphmau!" Molly says trying to keep her cool
"Whats up? Why are you girls here?" I asked
"Well. Since you made new houses and a walkway people are starting to come. So we thought of having a Slumber Party with you!" Kiki said happily
"Yay" Donna said with a happy face
"Yaaaassssss" Lucinda says pulling her fist down.
"Well what are you waiting for? Lets go!" Donna said smilling
"Oh wait. I need to invite someone"

I went to my phone and texted Cadenza

Aphmau: Hay Cadenza!
Cadenza: Aphmau!
Aphmau: I would like to invite you to a slumber party!
Cadenza: sure! When?

"When is the party?" I asked
"Tomorrow night" Lucinda answered

Aphmau: tomorrow night
Cadenza: ill be their. Goodnight Aphmau! Im looking forward to see your village and become friends with your villagers
Aphmau: im looking forward with you being here. Alright. Goodnight Cadenza

I chat with the girls for a bit and went to me and Garroth's house. I slept like a rock. I havent slept like a boss ever since I traveled

Garroth's pov

I went to Aphmau's room. She was peacefully sleeping. She wasnt sleeping upset like when we had that journey but Im happy that she is happy. I was going out of the room and I heared her say
"Tell Laurence that his sister Cadenza is comming here" I smiled and kissed her on the forehead and she smiles.

I went outside of the room and saw Laurence.

"What happened?" He asked
"She is asleep. She said 'Tell Laurence that his sister Cadenza is comming here'"
"If its Aphmau. Then I guess she's telling the truth. Well goodnight bro"
"Bye bro"

The next day

Aphmau was awake. I decided to go cook bacon and mashed potatoes for her. I went to the kitchen and started cooking.

Aphmau's pov

I was so bored when I woked up. I took out my phone and went to messenger. Oh! Donna created a group chat? Hmmmmm okay maybe if one month passed I can still contact them

Donna: hey girls!
Aphmau: hey Donna
Kiki: hey!
Molly: hi girls
Lucinda: sup

*****Aphmau added Cadenza*****

Donna: who is she?
Cadenza: Im Cadenza
Aphmau: the one that I told you is comming here
Lucinda: hey Cadenza. Long time no chat
Cadenza: you too Lucinda
Donna: I have so much plans for tonight
Molly: me too!
Lucinda: me 3
Aphmau: :3. Bye I need to go get a few things. Where are we gonna have the party?
Molly: my house since its the second biggest or the biggest in this group. Aphmau lives with Garroth bye now

Molly. She had to- ough. Its fine its just annoying that people thinks were together just because I live in his house. So annoying. Ough.

Garroth's pov

Aphmau was screaming her head off saying a girls night?

"Hey Aphmau"
"Hey Garroth"
"I heard you were gonna have a girls party"
"Yeah we are"
"Stay safe then"
"Thank you Garroth"

She hugged me. I just smiled and hugged her back

"Thank you"
"For what?"
"Your bravery and loyalty for not just me but the whole village"
"Your welcome"

She lets go but I wish it stayed.

"Need help?"
"Yes please"

I helped her pack a bit of her stuff that she needed. She told me to get out of the room for a while cause she needs to change. I went out of the room cause Im not that GM.

Aphmau's pov

Its good that Garroth went outside when I told him that I will change. I wore my purple, black and white cat pajamas (the one that looks like sprinkles) and wore the hood and it had cat ears.

I noticed maybe Azura can come. We get along just fine these days. Oh she chatted me

Azura: hey Aphmau. Again Im so sorry for what I did
Aphmau: its no beggie. By the way do you want to go to a slumber party? Tonight?
Azura: its a short notice but I would love to. What time?
Aphmau: 8:30
Azura: alright who's house?
Aphmau: Molly's house
Azura: alright. Bye Aphmau see you in Molly's house
Aphmau: you too

Good. I earned everyone's trust

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now