Chapter Four UNEDITED

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Aphmau's pov

"Again. Where did you go?". He said. I breathe deeply and closed my eyes. "I went to the woods. Problem?" "Your lying" "your asking me questions. Would you think I l-" he stopped me by kissing me. I break the kiss. "Garroth. Get out. I need some time" "but a-" "go!" "Fine". He went out of the room. What if Laurence knew about it? I mean a girl with 2 men? *sigh*. Lucinda is right. I am in love and hurt at the same time. The next day. I went to the woods. With my guitar.

"For all the times that you were in my parade.
For all the clubs you get in using my name.
You think you broke my heart but boy for goodness sake.
You think I'm crying on my own well I ain't.

And I didn't want to write a song.
Cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care I don't but you still hit my phone up.
But baby I've been moving on.
And I think you should be something I dont want to know back baby you should know that.

My momma don't like you when she likes everyone-" "Aphmau!" I heard a little screech from a girl with orange hair "Aphmau! Hey!" "Hey Lucinda!" "Do you do this everyday?" "Well yeah. Maybe sometimes if I have important things to do" "by the way. I need you to do something" "what?" "Go to Meteli I have a friend their who need goods and food bring this magic food potion to him. His name is Hayden" "O-okay then" "leave now before your boyfriend notices" "yeah okay"

I left I saw someone walk by. Damn it's Donna. She is a tough cookie to escape. She should really be a guard. To get that out of my head. I ran to the docks and bumped to Garroth. It was like an anime we're you bump into someone in a hurry.

"Lord Aphmau are you okay?!"he asked worriedly "l-lord?" "You helped the village grow. You deserve to be lord" "well uhhhh. I might have some time to get used to that but what are you doing here?" He blushes "uhhhhh. Just looking at the ocean before I take my shift" "well okay. (I might get them new guard armor. They are poor in the guard armor)" "what was that?" I blushed "nothing" "why are you here?" "Well- omiirene I left my guitar in the woods!" "I can get it for you" "thank you. I will be in Lucinda's place if you need me".

I took out my phone. "Lucinda! I told Garroth that I will be in your house and he will get the guitar and I said meet me to your house!" "Okay okay. After you give the materials. If he comes I'll tell him that your in the bathroom and I'll teleport you if your done." "Oh my Irene thank you"

I turned it off and went to Meteli. I got their and saw a man with a girl with fire hair.

"Hi. I'm Aphmau"I greeted "hello! I'm Cadenza!" The red hair said "I'm Hayden" "your the person I'm looking for! Lucinda Pikoro told me to give this to you" "I'm guessing her teaids with Visher has failed. What happened to that guy? Well thank you anyway. Who is your lord?" "Well the old head guard said I'm lord since I've helped the people for the past couple of weeks" "well take it" "what?" "Its for the lord of Bright port" "well speak of the devil guard armor. It is good to look at the BRIGHT side" "nice puns" "thank you" "I better go. I need to do something important" "okay".

I turned around and the red hair said "why didn't you ask about brother?" "Look Cadenza you can't ask people about Laurence every time you see someone okay?" "Fine". I looked at them. "Cadenza. Give me your phone number" she gave me her number and I said thank you. I left and when I arrives at the docks I was teleported already.

Lucinda's pov

"Look Garroth. Aphmau is in the ladies room." "Then why is she taking so long?" "Do I need to whack your head? She's a woman. Women take long in the bathroom" "it's been 45 minutes" "I already told you. She's a gi-". "I'm back?" "APHMAU!" Garroth shouted like a girl. Boys are complicated really complicated

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now