Chapter 32 - first day

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Aphmau's pov

I called Garroth

"Yes it's me. Listen I have a plan"
"You have 4 days right? This is the first day. Gather everyone in the plaza tell them the news. Gather all witchcraft,magics users and guards. If they can defend their selves let them stay. The rest bring them to Phoenix Drop. Phoenix Drop let's all villagers here just tell them that they didn't come from Bright Port because that is the worst idea. Bright Port won't make it. Why? Their are 3 powerful kingdoms fighting 1 village how could you make it?"
"What? What kingdoms?"
"My kingdom, O'khasis and Scaleswind. Do not worry. I am friends with most of the Juriors and I can force them to fight for Bright Port. You on the other hand fight too. Wear a helm though. The rest leave it to me"

I hung up. This will get ugly

Garroth's pov (in BP)

I gathered everyone on the village. We are all in the plaza. I went to the stage that wasn't cleaned up after that party.

"Listen up people. We have 4 days on war. Princess Jessica/Aphmau had a plan. Divide yourself into 3. The witchcraft/magics users the non fighters and the fighters. The non fighters will be going through safety. You are going to stay in Phoenix Drop. Suggested by Princess Jessica it's safe their. The rest will help on war. Princess Jessica says the rest will be given to her"
"Sir! I will gather a few guards in my village sir!" Cadenza suggested
"Sir Garroth kun! Kawaii chan will make sure she can make a few soldiers with her dolls!" Kawaii chan says
"Come up with everything you can! Lucinda do you have any protection spells?"
"I do! I can ask Zoey for help since she is a barrier magics user"
"Good. Zoey?"
"I can help out. The children will be given to Molly"

Aphmau whatever your planning please be safe

Aphmau's pov

I have traveled to O'khasis. Since its near our kingdom and they have to waist their giant ships just to get to us. Ough. I am in the Jury room. I saw my fellow Juriors.

"Wazzup Juriors?" I saw awkwardly
"Ahhhh. M'lady Jessica. What problem did you get yourself into now?" Katelyn asked with a royal tone
"Well-" I was going to say something till Jeffrey interupted
"She's probably here to flirt with me"
"As if" I said as Katelyn smacked him in the head
"Just tell us already" Ivy suggested
"Garroth is being hunted by my father and Garte because of a stupid wedding with Ron'senburg" I said
"Why? Oh I get it. Princess Jessica is I'm loooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee" Ivy said with a annoying tone
"Yes now. Wait what?" I stopped
"M'lady Jessica. I didn't know you loved my brother" Vylad said
"He did ask her on a date " Laurance answered
"Were talking about business here people. Okay. Are you with Bright Port or against it?" I asked kindly
"I'm with it" Laurance said
"I'm it's for my brother" Vylad said
"You were hospitable when I came their even if I made some problems. I'm with you" Ivy said making me bark
"If it's for Aphmau I'm in" Katelyn said
"If Katelyn's joining I'm joining" Jeffrey said. These 2 I swear
"Okay here's the plan" I said
"Let's continue tomorrow. I'm sleepy" I suggested and everyone nodded

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now