Chapter 35

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Aphmau's pov

*sigh* I forgot that I was grounded. As me and Nicole were riding our horses I looked down

"Jess? What's wrong? You seem a bit down"
"I forgot that I was grounded. My father will punish me as soon as we get back"
"What?! But you just got back! What did you do?"

I don't want to lie on my first princess friend. I should come clean, here we go

"Zane texted and told me that our fathers are in Bright Port scaring the New Lord. I quickly came because that 'New Lord' is my friend. So I went their and told him that Bright Port did no harm to me. My father grounded me for lying and he gave Bright Port 4 days to find Garroth Ro'meave"
"Have you delivered the armor?"
"I have. When will the 4 days end?"
"About a few already. First I lied I was dead, I lied that I wasn't a Princess to Bright Port, lied that i am responsible which I'm not, lied that my name is Empress Aphmau, lied that I dont have powers"
"Jessica, Bright Port counted on you"
"I have a lot of things to take care of. Oh we're here"

Me father was waiting outside the gates

"Jessica. Where have you been? If you were at-"
"I wasn't at bright port, father I visited O'khakis and Scaleswind"
"Your still grounded. But of course you escaped. I won't let you go at war. Huh? Princess Nicole? What are you doing here?"
"I decided to tag along with Jessica. It's lonely in our castle and I want to catch up on what she has been doing for the past fee days"
"Alright. You can stay at the guest room for now"
"Thank you sir"

We went to my room. I texted Katelyn and the others

Aphmau: are you all set?
Katelyn: ready to go
Aphmau: did you get the armor?
Ivy: we did. It actually suits me
Katelyn: correction it sucks you
Ivy: HEY!
Jeffrey: stop acting like babies
Laurance: Aphmau were did you get the armor from?
Aphmau: Nicole
Janis: I can't beleave we have to go to war
Aphmau: who's she?
Katelyn: never notice her? Her names Janis, she is from the Jury of Nine of course. I knew we could trust her so we told her our plan
Aphmau: oh okay
Laurance: I've contacted some friends that could help
*Laurance added Lillian and Sasha*
Laurance: geeze. Calm down, their here to help okay?
Sasha: yeah Aphmau don't be so rash
Aphmau: ough fine. Lillian should marry Zane not me
Lillian: gladly
Sasha: I thought you were a boy in a contume
Lillian: HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING THAT SERIES?! I JUST ACTED IN IT OKAY?! (Lillian works as a actor in this story)
Aphmau: *facepalm* shut up you two, Laurance tell them the plan and assign them on some things. I trust you that you won't ask them stupid things. You know how I am when I'm mad. I'm going now Nicole's at Phoenix Drop. Bye
Laurance: wait. What?!
Katelyn: read the message and analyze it dummy

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now