Chapter 12 - A Good Laugh

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Aphmau's pov

I woke up in the sound of crashing doors. Im in a bar? I went down to where the barkeep was and talked to me

"Helloooo" I said with a happy smile
"Ahoy lass! I bet your wondering. 'Why am I here?'"
"You got that right"
"Well. O'khasis guards saw you, a man with blue hair, a man with brown hair and a man with a helmet with a old O'khasis uniform. Your in Pikoro Village if thats what your asking for"
"Thats all?"
"Yes. I cant tell anymore"
"Would you tell me where the men are?"
"Well I might as well tell you. They seem to ran away when you are sleeping"
"What!? How could that happened?!"
"I dont know anything else. Its pass your curfew. I cant let you get out of this place and their are tons of O'khasis guards here"
"Thank you for the information. But those O'khasis guards are friends of mine so I just want to try"
"No problem lass. Here have a drink before you go"
"Thank you"

I went to my room and Garroth is calling me

"Aphmau!" It was Garroth
"Explaine. NOW!" The last part I yelled his ear off
"Ouch oh Irene. We let you rest in a soul stone. Laurence was holding you because we saw O'khasis guards. They caught us and I ran. I took my bow and shot 4/5 of them. One emptied Laurence's things and took it from him. When he saw you he ran into Pikoro and I guess your their now. Do you need help in escaping?"
"Uhhhh no. But thank for trying. Where are you?"
"At a cave/our new hide out. Its near Pikoro and its the first thing that you will see"
"Alright. Dont get me. Ill be their at 9 evening"

I turned it off. I took all my stuff and I went downstairs and went outside. The O'khasis guards wanted me to go back

"Sorry miss you have to go to bed"
"Dont you know who I am? I am Empress Lore"
"E-Empress? J-Jury g-guard? B-best f-fighter?"
"Yes. That Empress"
"Im so sorry ma'am"
"Its rather fine. Are their other Jury guards here?"
"Just Golden Heart"
"Perfect. Were is he?"
"He's at that restorant. With all the other guards"

I went out and went to the restorant

"Hello miss. This is a little late. Isnt it pass your cerfew?" The waitress asked
I felt someone behind me
"Miss? Whats a beautiful woman like you doing here pass your cerfew? Arent you suppose to be at home?"
I hairflipped and faced him like a boss
"You flirt with me? Ha! Let me go tell Katelyn that"
"E-e-Empress?! What!? I thought-?"
"I am looking for him. I thought he would be here. But nooooo. I didnt get recognised and had to get kidnapped. Now treat me a milkshake before I tell Katelyn"

I happily sprinted off and enjoyed my milkshake. I went to the cave. When I got their it was already 9 o'clock perfect

"Hey Aphmau" Garroth said with a smile
"How was the you know?" Laurence asked
"Greeeaaaaat" I say sarcastically
"I can tell your lying"
"Im not"
"Hey you have milkshake with you. Who's it from?"
"It was from myself duh" I said while doing a derp face
"LOL. Garroth you really know how to ask silly questions" Laurence said
"LOL Laurence. I never knew you were an abriviation type"
"Woooowwww. You just knew that now XD" Laurence said back
"Derp" I said while giving them a derp face
"Y u do this" Dante asked and we all laughed.

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now