Chapter 3 - A Witch and A Warlock (EDITED)

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Aphmau's pov

I looked down. I felt a hand touch my chin. Laurance made me looked at him. He stared deep into my eyes, I averted my gaze and he leaned close to my face.

I couldn't do anything, I felt frozen by his soft and gentle expression.

I...... I.........

I pushed him away and looked down, a deep shade of red could be seen on my face.

"I'm sorry Laurance....." I spoke sadly. A fake smile was shown on his face. How could he smile when I just broke his pride?

"I-It's alright Aphmau." He says, a tint of sadness could be heard from his voice. I felt guilty. Silence filled the air. I felt awkward. "You should go now, Aphmau. It's getting late." He says, he wore his hood and turned around, he turned back and smiled at me before he runs away.

I was dumbfunded. Till I realized what just happened. I swear my face is a tomato right now!!

He was right, it was pretty late. I should go home before some monsters come get me.

I woke up. My eyelids felt heavy and I felt as if I needed more sleep. I looked at the clock which was right on top of the doorframe and realized that it was already noon!?

I got up and rubbed my eyes, then I went to the shower.

After the shower, I left the house. Where's Garroth though?

I sighed. Wait, where was I going? And why am I feeling a bit anxious? Without notice, I wandered into a forest.

A have quite a bit in my mind. The fact that I'm now attached to the village annoys me, what if..... I reach the deadline and refuse because of them!? I need to distance myself.... not only for me but for them also to not miss me. They also see me as a lord because of all the help I gave them, I honestly don't know anymore.

I was so into deep thought that I forgot where I was going. I didn't realize nor even know where my feet took me.

"Bigglesworth!! Bigglesworth!" I heard a echo of a voice say. I looked around and saw nobody. I was confused. I heard the voice again, and again. It always said the same name, Bigglesworth?

I walked into a random direction. I was startled by a hoot. I jumped back and landed on my butt. I looked around, weird, I didn't see anything peculiar until I looked down. I saw a snow white owl with it's head bigger than it's own wings, it's yellow eyes staring at me.

It walked near me and looked like it was staring into my soul. It turned around and started to walk away, leaving me dumbfounded.

I was then pinned down, but in a split second I grabbed my sword and used it against his sword.

"Who are you!?" I asked. I got a view of a man with white hair and emerald eyes. He put more strength into his sword making me grunt.

"NICE TRY! BUT YOUR DISGUISE CAN'T FOOL ME! EVEN THOUGH I ADMIT THAT THAT'S THE SEXIEST DISGUISE YOU'VE HAD IN A LONG TIME!" I looked at him confused. Disguise? Sexy? Does he know he's talking to a potato?

"What do you mean disguise!? What in Irene are you talking about!?" I angrily asked. Who wouldn't be if a random person pins you down using a sword!? And...... DOES HE KNOW?!

"Hah! Stop acting all innocent! If you aren't the demon warlock, prove it to me."

I stayed quiet and just stared deep into his eyes. Once he got off guard, I went to my Jury form and pushed him away.

"Travis, I swear I told you not to do that ever again! The Demon Warlock is dead wtf." A woman says, she had beautiful orange hair that shone at night (I kno it makes no sense). She thic- nvm.

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now