Chapter 38

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It's been a week since Aphmau's accident. The PD guard was cought and sent on O'khasis jail. The father of the guard was angered on what his son just pulled. Bright port didn't make it so the 3 kings decided to let the Portians choose which kingdom they go to and their welcome Mei'fwa, wolf, magics user, sorcerer, witchcraft user or not.
Garroth has never left his room. Kawaii chan is his personal maid. She brings him food everyonce in a while. Everyone has been worried. But all he does is read books on how to be king. He also writes his feelings in his diary for the past couple of days. Just then while he is laying on his bed, someone knocked on his bed.
"Hellllooooooooo? Prince Garroth Ro'meave. It's me. Laurance" his eyes were in shock. His brother that he never saw for 2 weeks knocking on his door. Garroth opened the door and gave him a hug. He lets go. "W-what are you doing here?" Garroth asked in shock. Not beleaving he's here "I traveled from a island with Katelyn. Just got back today and I remembered what happened to Aphmau so I came to check on her. Heared that you were glued to your room so I came here first" -were they dating?- Garroth asked himself "it's not what you think" Laurance continued "have you even visited her yet?" Laurance asked "no. I never had the guts to" Garroth confessed "let's change that. Let's go visit her" Laurance suggested "I don't know. I'm the reason-" Laurance cuts him off "it was her idea. Don't blame yourself on something you didn't do" Garroth was about to speak but Laurance interrupted "I know you let her fall. But you were panicking. It's okay and you were lucky Queen Savana came in just in time" "thank you Laurance" Garroth said fighting his tears "no problem. Let's go then" Garroth nodded and they headed to the hospital
Garroth and Laurance arrived at the hospital. "Goodmorning Prince Garroth and Guard Laurance. What can I do for you?" Molly asked. She now works here "no need to be so formal Molly" Laurance suggested "I just want to get used to it. What can I help you with?" She asked again "where is Ap- Princess Jessica's room?" Garroth asked formally "she's at room 127. At the 3rd floor" Molly said wih a smile -she's not mad about her son?- Garroth thought to himself "thank you" Garroth says with a smile.
They used the elevator and they went to room 127. Garroth peeked on the window and he saw Zane. Praying. Garroth and Laurance entered the room and Zane ended the prayer as he stood up
"Garroth? I never knew you would actually get out of the room" Zane said in shock as Garroth nudged Laurance "oh alright. I'm gonna get food" Zane suggested "I'm comming with you" Laurance said. The 2 boys left leaving Garroth with Aphmau. Garroth sat next to Aphmau and looked at her
-Jessica. Please me alright. Don't leave me. Please- Garroth thought to himself. A spark came from him and it went to Aphmau. Soon she woke up. Zane and Laurance entered and had wide eyes

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now