Chapter 17 Goodbye Cadenza

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Aphmau's pov

I went outside. Their is a ship, outside Cadenza's house are boxes.

"Hey Cadenza. What are you up to?"
"Oh! Aphmau. Today is the day that I go back to Meteli. Father is sick and I need to go take care of him"

I stood quiet and Laurence was running to us.

"Cadenza? What's wrong?"
"Hayden is 'sick' and I need to go and take care of him"
"Hayden is sick? Cadenza I wish you luck and safety for your travel"
"Thank you Laurence. Take care of Aphmau would you?" She winks at us and walks back inside.
"I know what your thinking Cadenza!" Laurence shouted and I giggled.
"Ough. I hate it when she does that"
"But do you know that it keeps you both together"
"Heh your right. Bye Aphmau Im going to my daily rounds"
"Alright bye Laurence"

I smiled and waved. I walked away and saw Garroth

"Hey Garroth what's wrong?"
"Tsk. Ever since Zane is here"
I frowned
"You know you can not hate him forever"
"Yes I can. I will not beleave a word he is saying"

He is my master. So does that mean Garroth does not beleave me?

"Oh really. Garroth take care of the village. Do not let your anger towards Zane get the best of you"
"Whatever. I am going on patrol"

He left and I felt hurt. Oh Garroth will you ever learn. I went Donna's house

"Hey Donna. Where is Logan?"
"He is opening a stand. He was a food merchant so I am assuming that he is gonna start to sell"

I went to where Donna said Ligan was

"Good evening LORD Aphmau"
"Still hate me eh? What are you up to Logan?"
"I am opening a food stand whqt do you want LORD Aphmau?"
"Oh. Alright Logan. But if I ever get news from Kiki that her animal's are missing. I will acuse you"
"Fair enough"
"Goodbye Logan"
"Fairwell LORD Aphmau"

I wen't around the village and checked on everyone. I passed by Dale and Molly's house and it had a sign on the door

'Molly is sick right now. Can not let visitors go away'

Jeez what a rude ending. I then passed by to Zane's home and it was locked. I knocked on the door and a O'khasis guard opened it

"What do you- Empress. What do you want?"
"First of all do not call me that whenever people that lives here can hear. Second what is High Priest Zane doing?"
"My apologies. He is working on his experiments"
"What is this about?"
"He is trying to get his brother out of the world of shadows"

On what he said I knew that he ment the Neather. My eyes widened but I went back to my regular face.

"Alright but-"

I heard a girl screamed. Sounded like she was fighting. I ran outside and saw Laurence at the floor. Oh my Irene. The girl was facing him so she does not see me. I kicked her legs and she was on the floor so I went on top of her and tied her hands

"Who are you"
"That voice. Aphmau! Its me!"
"Ivy. What are you doing here?"

I said with a "Im watching you" and "I dont trust you" voice

"Aphmau. This man is trying to get to my badside"
"I was just asking why she was here then she got crazy and started attacking me"
"Sorry about that Laurence" Garroth then came running
"APHMAU WHAT HAPPENED!?" He asked worriedly
"'Drama Queen' problems"

I said with a bad tone. Ivy was looking at Garroth. Mostly staring like she was inlove. Ough she always does this. But never gets anyone. Hah! She even tried it on Jeffery but it did not work

"My my, and who are you?"
"Garroth Ro'meave"
"Garroth did Cadenza leave already?"

Laurence asked standing up

"She left 5 minuites ago" Garroth said helping him up.
"Well this ended well. #bromance"

they then looked at me and I quickly got off. Garroth is now chasing me. Great. We ran to the woods and-

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now