Chapter 44

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"Mom. Is it possible that my cornation can be held and Garroth and Nicole's?" Aphmau/Sasha asked Savana in a greedy way "why? I thought-" she was rudely cut off by Aphmau "I changed my mind." "Alright then" -what's with her? She has been acting wierd and her voice changed. Whats with her?- Savana thought to herself. She turned around and smirked as she went to Aphmau's room

1 week later. The queen, Aphmau, and Laurance traveled to O'khasis. As they reached the gates a guard asked. "Queen Savana, Princess Aphmau and Guard Laurance. What brings you to O'khasis?" The guard formally asked. "Will you call on Prince Garroth?" Queen Savana asked, the guard nodded and left. Aphmau was waiting on the carriege waiting while crossing her hands. Laurance turned to her. "Jess-" he was rudely cut by her "princess" Laurance frowned "fine. Princess Jessica, what's with you?" He asks still frowning "Ough. Nothing"

Back with the real Jessica. Jessica was on her knees crying -I-I can't beleave this. 1 freakin week has passed and they still haven't found me. The cornation is only 1 week away! Stupid Sasha. I hate her! And I trusted her. I'm a idiot!- while Jessica was shedding tears, a guard came in and grabbed her wrist. She was shocked and shouted "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" She was in terror and anger "we're tying you up" she looked down "am I not torchured enough? You already scratched me up, zapped me and cut me with swords. Don't you think I have enough?" She asked with a merciful voice "I'm sorry" he looked at her ashamed "he wants me to tie you up. Don't worry I wont make it tight" more tears dropped on her face "please. Let me go" "I can't. He will kill me. And my family" she mumbled underneath her breath "please". He dragged her from her colar. He puts her in another cell and tied her hands in chains.

As he left he locked the cell door. "Please. Let me go. I can't take anymore of this. I want to go home. Irene. I don't see you now but please. I need you. Why aren't you telling them? Why can't you let me contact them in even a dream? Why are you leaving me here?!" She starts to tear up but tries to fight it "why aren't you helping me in my toughest times?! Why did you even leave me?! Why do we even exist if people are just gonna torchure our presence?!" She calmed down and mumbled "why did I even forget what happened?"

Back in O'khasis, "Queen Savana. Whats with Lady Jess?" Garroth asked "no clue. Ever since she went by the woods her attitude changed. Honestly we were gonna hide her cornation but then she just suggested to make is with you and Lady Nicole" the Queen says, Garroth stood up his seat "understood. Queen Savana, let me just call on Zane. I need to speak to him" "alright"

Garroth left the room. As he was walking he sees Zane in the corner. He approaches him. "Zane, what's wrong?" Garroth asked his little brother "thats not her. Thats not Aphmau!" Garroth was angered and made a fist "Zane! Atleast be nice! It has only been one week after her coma!" He calms down "she's just tired I guess" Zane looked at him and pinned his brother to the wall "don't you understand?! How can someone in a coma have a paler skin, darker eyes, and lighter hair?! She's not Jessica! Her voice doesn't change and to point out she's no longer a potato! She's gotten taller!" Garroth pushed his angered brother "Zane, she grew up. She changed!" Zane looked at him in the eye "she didn't change. You did. I can't beleave you became like him" he then runs away tears streaming down. -is it true? Have I become like my- no SNAP OUT OF IT GARROTH! You can't beleave in Zane. He's nothing but trouble. He hid Aphmau from you. He is the one corrupted not you. Yeah, its not you Garroth its him- Garroth thought to himself while he walks away.

Zane runs to his room and slams the door. "He changed. He is no longer the brother that cared for me and Vylad" Zane mumbled to himself as he sits on a chair "He thinks youre a fool Zane. But he's wrong. I'm smarter than him" he puts his hands to his face "he can't even tell it its his lover or not. What a idiot" the Priest stands up and plops into his royal bed "can't beleave he thinks I'm the bad one. When I'm the one who knows who the real person is" he stands up and punches his mirror "YOU IDIOT GARROTH! I can't beleave you. I'm disappointed in you" he looks at his bleeding fist and laughs "I'm not weak. I'm not a coward" Zane opens his drawer revealing a couple of amulets. He took one "the amulet of revealing. Muhahahahaha. I can show to everyone I'm not wrong. But I need the real one before I pull this" the Priest sighs "this will take longer than I thought it would"

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now