Chapter 2 - Garroth's First Date (EDITED)

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"I thought you like Garroth with the new person? Why'd you invite him for dinner?" My roommate, Anna asked me. I was fixing my shirt infront of the mirror. I saw my roommate's reflection in the mirror making me turn around to see her leaning on the wall as she crosses her arms.

"I just want to teach him Dating 101, I knew by the looks of his eyes that he likes her! I could even see a blush inside his helmet."

"Eh? Do you have see-through eyes or something? How can you be so sure that Garroth loves her?"

"I just know it."


Its been hours. Garroth has been going around his house for 2 hours looking for his suit for his date. While me? Well, humming a random tune while reading a book. Wait a second, why tf does he need a suit though?

Hmm. I could tell that Garroth doesn't really have feelings for her, but why is he so worked up about it? Plus Azura told me that it wouldn't be a date.

I shook the thought away. For a reason I started to crave of hot chocolate. Eventually I gave up and exited my room just to get hot chocolate.

I exited the bedroom and went to the kitchen to make some hot choco. I placed the book on the kitchen table and started to search in the cabinets.

After making my drink, I walked to the table. But luck wasnt on my side, before I could get to my seat, Garroth ran over me and now hot chocolate is all around us!

Well, luckily the book didn't get spilled on. I might cut his head off if it did!

"Garroth!" I said angrily, he put his hands above his head.

"P-please don't kill me!" He says dramatically as he kneels down before me.

"Why are you so worked out!? Calm down!! She said yesterday that it wasn't going to be a date, but you spent 1 hour on that documentary about dates and another hour on looking for things to wear. Just calm down!! Gosh I bet Azura is already done with the things that need to be done" I said.

You don't love her

"You're right. But...."


"Will you help me!?" He asked, kneeling down quickly as he said it and praying to me.

"With what?"

"Third wheel for me" he says. "Pleaaaasseeee" he made puppy eyes. "This is my first date!! I cannot fail!!"

"Do I have to remind you? She clearly said it wasn't going to be a date." I snickered. "Or do you want it to be~?" I teased, but part of me hoped that he didn't.

"Please Jess, this is the first time I'm going out with someone that isn't involved with work. She nagged how I shouldn't wear a helmet! Please help me not make a fool out of myself."

"Fine. I'll only help you get ready. But I won't come and stalk you throughout the dinner. Kay?"



"Ok, wear this polo and these pants" I said.

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now