Chapter 31 - Bright Ports Important Guests

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Garroth's pov

I heard running. I got up and saw Dante.

"Sir" He started calling me that as soon as Aphmau left
"Their are very important guests in the gates. I don't want to let them in because I know that they mean harm"
"Who is it?"
"King Garte and another king. With Zane and a guard with a helm"
"I'm coming"

I put on my helm and ran to the gates. I saw Zane, a guard, father and a king.

"Zane?!" I shouted
"Don't get all feisty around my future son in law" the King says mad
"Sir what?!" Zane questioned shocked
"Your marrying his daughter remember?" King Garte asked Zane
"Father I thought it ended!"
"It hasnt" Garte said
"Where is Garroth Ro'meave!?" The king asked
"My daughter said she was held captive here!"
"We never held anyone captive"
"Yeah right. She had to escape with her guard"
"Where is Garroth Ro'meave or I will get him myself!" The king asked. Zane facepalmed and went to a nearby tree and hid in it

Zane's pov

I texted Jessica. Father could really get stupid

Zane: Jessica?
Aphmau: Wazzup?
Zane: don't sass me. Your father and mine is asking Garroth questions and it's stupid
Aphmau: stupid?
Zane: he's asking him where is Garroth even if he's talking to Garroth
Aphmau: bwahahahhaahahhaa. That's rich. Is he gonna barge in and go to war?
Zane: wait

I put down my phone and looked at them

"Bring us Garroth now or we'll come their ourselves!"

I took my phone again

Zane: yep. They are
Aphmau: oh my Irene be right their

Aphmau's pov

I put down my phone. I braided my hair and put on my tiara. I put on a princess guard dress that I had and randomly wore a helm and ran out. I told Malachi about going to my father and he says that he will take care of my work. Since he is older than me. Long story okay? I took my horse and arrived at Bright Port. This should be good.

"Dad stop" I said to my father as Garroth looked at me shocked
"Jessica. What are you doing here? How do you know I was here!?" My father asked in shock
"Father Laurance lied okay?!"
"I told him to!"
"You have some explaining to do!"
"I don't care! At least you can hear out on what I say! For once in my life you finally listened! And I don't want to marry Zane!"

Garroth's pov

Aphmau marry Z- WHAT!?

"Aph- Jessica I never told you about that!" Zane said confused
"Your guards was stupid enough to tell me" she replied
"As soon as we get back. You. Are. Grounded!" Her father said
"I just got back- whatever at least I can be alone in my room" Aphmau sassed her dad. Typical Aphmau.
"If you don't find him in 3 da-" her father says
"4 days" Aphmau suggested
"Fine. 4 days. If you don't find him. This place is gonna get ugly"

They left. Aphmau stayed

"Garroth I'm so so sorry"
"Aphmau I-"
"Jessica we need to go" Ough they both talk like a girls
"Goodbye Garroth"

Aphmau's pov

My father, Garte, and Zane roded the ship. I came back to the horse and rides home. Ough I wish mom was still alive

Hai! Sorry for the cliffhanger. I didn't expect Garte to look like Logan.......
Anyways bai!

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now