Chapter 41

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Aphmau was looking out the window. She took her phone and looked at it. "Huh? What's this? A-about my dad?!" She asked herself. She quickly watched the video.
"Were reporting live here at the O'khasis castle" the reporter said "tell me O'khasis guard Lilac, what happened?" "King Levi was showing mercy and he tried to stop the wedding between Princess Nicole Von Ron'senburg and Prince Garroth Ro'meave. Garte was furious and killed King Levi" "is that all?" "Yes" "thank you for the information. Next on channel 6 news. Prince Garroth Ro'meave. Will he approve or not of his wedding with Princess Nicole? Will he take the place of king or give it to his brother? Stay tuned" the video stopped. Aphmau dropped her phone and started to tear up
"Dad..............dead..........." Those 2 words repeated in her mind. "How could I let this happened?" "Was I the one who made this happened?" Thoughts kept roaming around. Just then Garroth entered the room. He saw Aphmau crying, he ran to her and hugged her. "How could I let this happened?" She thought "Jess it's not your fault!" Garroth said making her cry harder "yes it is! If I wasn't-" "Aphmau! I let him do what I wanted! I didn't want to marry Nicole so he tried to stop it! It was my fault that I let him do it! Aphmau I'm sorry" "Garroth" she cried in his chest. She cried and cried. He hugged her. Everything went silent for both of them. Soft music (like in anime) was heard. "A-Aphmau. Feeling better?" Garroth softly asked "I-I can't get over the fact that. Your dad killed mine" "Aphmau. I'm sorry. So sorry" "It's okay. Garroth. It already happened. Don't blame yourself" just then Donna entered the room "m'lady Jessica. We are gonna give you a few tests and see if you are stable enough" "a-alright" "prince Garroth?" Donna asked "oh. Right. Jess will you be alright?" Garroth asked "I- I will" he kissed her forehead and left the room.
Just then Kawaii chan walked to him. "I'm sorry Prince Garroth kun, but prince Garroth kun has a interview and a meeting with the King of Scaleswind" Kawaii can kindly reminded "oh. Okay" Garroth followed Kawaii chan and they went to the castle. The interview was first.
"Were here live with Prince Garroth Ro'meave" "hi" Garroth says at the camera "so Prince Garroth. Will you take place as King of O'khasis?" "I will take the place" "second. Will you stop the wedding of Princess Nicole Von Ron'senburg and you? And why?" "I want to reason with the King of Scaleswind. I just don't want to be forced into marriage" "last. Do you have a lover?" "I don't really have but. I have someone in mind. We haven't dated yet but I love her. She also has royal blood so yeah" "will you tell us the name of this special 'princess'?" "Jessica Lore" "daughter of the- nevermind. Thank you Prince- King Garroth of O'khasis" "no need to get formal" "right. Ahem. That's all for the news. Next on today's channel" the reporter kept talking as they walked away "where do I meet the King of Scaleswind?" Garroth asked Kawaii chan "he is in the castle he has been waiting for you" "thank you Kawaii chan" Garroth left and went in the castle
-*sigh* today has been insane. I just hope Aphmau's alright- Garroth thought to himself. Lets now go on a quick check on Aphmau. "Well. Aphmau you're doing great. Almost as great as checking out of this place" Donna smiled "Nurse Donna? When can I leave this place?" "Surely tomorrow" "great. I want to go back to my home village anyways" "Princess, what is your village?" Donna asked "I can't tell you because you might tell Garroth" "my apologies for asking. Garroth is on a meeting with the king of Scaleswind" "can you call my mom to pick me up early tomorrow? I don't want Garroth to know that I left" "he might worry about you" "I'm not his responsibility. Please" "as you wish princess" by that Donna left. Aphmau slept as the moon rised

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now