Chapter 25 - The News

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Aphmau's pov

Right now I am just trying to tell everyone about Kawaii chan's birthday ball. I am so exited because its the first party that we will have in the plaza and its a ball. Of course I watch anime. If it will be like the anime 'The Cat Returns' ehehe. If it does I am living in a anime. I am in a tree writing down things to remember and Garroth walked up to me

"Hey Aphmau!" He shouted from below. I threw him a paper that says 'ttyl. Im busy'. Then he walked away. Hmmmm. Someone called me and she shouted my ear off. It was Cadenza. Her voice made me fall down the tree but luckly Garroth was still their

"Thank you Garroth again"
"Your welcome Aphmau"
"Say. How is your arm?"
"Pretty good"
"Im sorry for what I did. I was acting like a complete brat and-"
He stoped me by kissing me. He breaks off the kiss
"Its okay. You dont have to be sorry"
"Kawaii chan's birthday will be a ball with karaoke. Do we still have the machine from last time?"
"We do"
"Good. So I am busy. Can you and the guards do me a solid?"
"Depends. What do you want?"
"Tell everyone about the party. And I will set it up"
"Alright. But you know you need help in setting up"
"Isnt that why I got guards?"
"Good answer"

He puts me down and leaves. I went back up and answered Cadenza. This time putting my phone down

"Cadenza you dont have to shout"
"How in the- alright then I was going to invite you later but you already know so yeah. Would you like to you know?"
"Okay okay. Calm down. It will be held Friday night. Oh. We have a new villager. Make her dress all pink okay?"
"Alright Cadenza. Calm down. Im busy. Lets talk later"
"OKAY!" Before I hung she screamed then I guess her father thought she was crrraaaazzzyyyyyyy.

I wonder where Laurance is. I havent seen him. Of course Zane left me. Hmmmm. I wonder if Garroth will participate. I always think of seing him sing as Justin Beiber XD. But if he does sing a JB song. I would be surpriced and amazed. OH MY IRENE I ALMOST FORGOT THAT I WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN HE KARAOKE!!! BETTER THINK OF A SONG

I went to my room and took a notebook. I wrote all possible songs that I can

-Dont let me down
-7 years
-What do you mean
-love yourself

Hmmmmmm I wonder what to sing. I just wrote in my diary.

'Dear diary.

Today was a little mad because of Cadenza screaming at my ear and Kawaii chan being in our village. We will soon have a ball with karaoke. I wonder how long Zane will go look for me but I hope its not too long'

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now