Chapter 29 - Let me go?

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Aphmau's pov

"I am Jessica Lore, the missing daughter of the king in Phoenix Drop." I looked down

"Before my older sister's 19 birthday. We planned to go to O'khasis the next day to meet Zane, The High Priest. He.... and I were arranged in a marrige" I looked at Garroth and I could see rage in his eyes.

"At the same day, you were to meet Princess Nicole Von Ron'senburg." Laurance says.

"Aphmau. Y-you should g-go" Garroth suggested not in a rude manner though
"WHAT?!" I complained
"If it's the sake of a kingdom it comes first" He says
"I'm surpriced that artery you asked me out your letting me go"
"Maybe another time"
"M'lady. Sorry for my actions earlier but I can't keep the kingdom waiting"
"Aaron. I need to tell you. Something my father has never told you"
"What? He told me everything he knows!"
"No. Not everything. You are the son of the village called 'Falcon Claw'"
"When you were born. Falcon Claw was in war. Your mother dropped you to our village. It wasn't a typical war. It became really rusty. I saw your kingdom it was in shreds. Worst than mine"
"Thank you for the information M'lady but we need to go"
"You should go Aphmau"
"Thank you for your understanding"

I went to our house to change. I took my phone and left. I ran through the window and jumped on the trees. I arrived at the docks and their was a boat. What in the world of Irene?

"Laurance? Where did this come from?"
"Oh. Garroth lend us a boat"
"Really? He did that?"
"Yep. I should pay him. If we ever come back haha"
"Something wrong?"
"Are you still going to the plan?"
"Yeah I am. Remember Zane told us to doing it?"
"Oh yeah. Tell my dad I was kidnapped by these people. Yeah I know the plan"
"Aphmau!" Dante shouted from the stairs
"Dante?" He went down to where we are
"Aphmau I heard that you will go home. Tell me where is it?"
"Keep it a secret?"
"Of course M'lady"
"Phoenix Drop"
"shhhhhhh. Shush! I know! Happy? Don't tell enyone"
"Fine I need to go now. Bye M'lady"
"Bye Dante"

Before we left we had to day goodbye to everyone. I came back home for the last time to get Celestia. Hmmmm

"Hey phoenix"
"You will stay with Garroth okay?"

Phoenix sadly barked and licked me. I said goodbye and took Celestia. I should leave a note.


Garroth's pov

I went back home. It's night. Aphmau left for her kingdom. *sigh*. Huh? Phoenix? A note? I read the note.


I am leaving Phoenix with you to keep you company. It isn't much but I divided Phoenix and Celestia's food so you don't have to buy. With love Aphmau. I love you garroth. Goodbye.


Something will come to your way I just know it. Be careful. And get ready. We'll have out date one day right? Heh. Call me if you get this letter'

What could be so dangerous? What will come in out way?

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now