Chapter 43

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Aphmau went back to her room and stretched a bit. As she was walking someone grabbed her. The man/woman put their hand on Aphmau's mouth and wrapped their arm on her waist "let me...!!!!!!!" "Shut up Princess" it sounded like a woman voice. The woman pulled her backwards and took her.

The woman brought her to a black carriege and took her away. They arrived at a black castle. The woman did the pose that she did a while ago and threw Aphmau behind bars. "Let me go!" Aphmau ordered "what are you gonna do about it? Hm? Put me to jail? Haha! You're behind bars and you can't put me in you're position" "who the heck are you?!" She took off her mask "SASHA!" "Bwahahahahahha! You fool. I was the one who told Brian to shoot you. I was the one who wanted to kill you. But thanks to freakin Garroth you didn't die. Well I will replace you. I will take youre power. You're gonna stay here" "you wont get away with this!" "Awwwww. Hate to pop your bubble but I already did" Sasha left laughing. -I need to get out of here! I can't let Phoenix Drop be in her hands! I need to get out!" Aphmau thought to herself. Sasha went to her room. "Time to dye" she died her hair to a opposite color and cut it like Aphmau's, she puts on light brown contact lences and drinks a potion for her to get shorter and a bit tan. She went back to the carriege and road back to Phoenix drop. -Muhahahahaha! I will have everything that short potato has- she thought to herself.

Back in Phoenix drop. "Have you seen Princess Jess?" Laurance asked Azura. "I'm sorry Laurance but I haven't seen her. She was at the gates 2 hours ago but I haven't seen her since then" "oh Uhmmm. Alright. Thanks anyways" "you're welcome" Laurance walked away and went to the gates "I knew I should've left her alone. I'm so stupid!" He said to himself while standing near the gates. He sees Aphmau and runs to hug her "oh uhhhhhh. Laurance!" She said "Aphmau. Where have you been" "Isnt it Princess Jess or Jessica? And I'm doing fine" he lets go "oh right. Sorry Princess Jess. Where have you're majesty's been?" He asked "around the kingdom" "oh alright" she walks off and left him confused. "Thats the first time she told me to call her in a royal name. Her voice got a bit lighter and she now has a accent. Her hair is a bit light and I don't recognize those eyes. Hmmmm. Must be puberty"

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now