Chapter 47

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"Shall I have this dance mi'lady Aphmau?" Laurance asked then bowed down to me, offering his hand. I smiled, accepting his hand.

He brings me into the middle of the ballroom where everyone was on the corners, watching as me and Laurance danced. Nicole was also dancing in the middle as well was Garroth. Nicole was with Dante, I swear her blush was redder than her own hair! And Garroth was with Azura.

"So, where did Sasha keep you captive these past few days?" Laurance asked, breaking the silence between us.

"I don't really know. I was knocked out and woke up behind bars and Sasha was infront of me."

"How did you get out?"

"I felt the Phoenix burn inside of me. I knew they were awakaning it. The power of my sister and father lied with it. I kinda.......burned the place down." I responded, scratching the back of my head.

His grip on my waist tightened a bit, but not that tight to hurt me. He pulled me closer and whispered to my ear.

"So...... When is your wedding with Garroth?" He asked into my ear. I blushed and playfully punched his right shoulder that I was recently resting my hand on. "Well, your next dance's waiting." I smiled. Before he lets go of me he kisses my cheek. "Thank you." We both let go and we bowed once again.

My next dance was Dante. He arrived infront of me and we both bowed to each other.

"It was a good thing you got here quickly though. I swear I would put Sasha into your position and torture her if you didn't show up."

We all stopped and now

As she went to the ball room someone grabbed her hand. He spun her around. When she looked up she saw 2 crystal blue eyes. She smiled "may I have this dance?" He asked "well. You already started" he laughed "lets finish it then" Aphmau nodded and they danced. While dancing they were having a conversation about what happened to her. Garroth was a bit upset on what happened to her but he shrugged it off. The night ended peacefully. The party kept going on and everyone ignored the fact that it ended at 12.

5 years later..

'This has been great. I met new friends, I traveled the region and I concurred trouble. It has been fun. But being queen isn't that easy. Its harder than being a lord but it is fun. My mom sadly died by illness but we got through it. Oh and me and Garroth have been dating lately. And guess what. HE PROPOSED TO ME! It happened yesterday and I was in shock. Of course I said yes. I can't beleave someone actually proposed to me. Its not sudden because we've dated for 5 years. Reminds me. Today is the 5th anniversary of me being queen. Heh, time passes by quickly. Levin is now a busy man, Malachi is a big help in serving the kingdom. Yes we moved and it took a lot out of me. Laurance have been so loyal to me. Mostly the kingdom is has rised. The sad empty kingdom is now a cheerful one.' She writes in her diary with a smile. "I can't beleave this" she says looking at Celestia "we've been working so hard" she picks up the puppy and started petting "we did a good job"

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now