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["Even if I can't see you
No matter how far away you may be...
I will always be watching you"

A loud cheering was heared, and the crowed aligned themselves for the parade. Everyone was so excited because this is the biggest party that will be celebrated this year.

"Aren't you excited Princess Aphmau!?" The orange haired Lucinda asks cheerfully "I would be if you'd shut up" Sasha says as she walks to the carriege

"you shut you're dirty mouth you impostor" Lucinda mumbled as she joined the crown.

"W-what do you mean by that!?" Aphmau asked, triggered by the ginger witch's words.

"I know you aren't the real Aphmau. You may have used a spell to look like her, but you can never be her." Then she walked away. Disappearing into the crowd.

The real Jessica was running in the forest. Not knowing where to go. She ran and ran and ran. She ran for hours. Until she reached a crowd. She was at the back. Since she was short, she squeezed in and she made it to the front row. The first carriege that passed through was Princess Nicole's, the people cheered for her as she smiled and waved. Next was Princess Aphmau's carriege. Everyone cheered as she arrived and she just waved like a bratty princess. Aphmau frowned at the impostor until she couldn't see her carriege, Last wad Prince Garroth's. He waved at the people doing a fake smile.

As he almost finished. He saw a hand sign (the one on the top). He didnt know what it meant till he sees it has a bracelet.

"Hey Gar?" Little Aphmau asked as she sat next to her best friend watching the sunset "yea Aph?" He asked as he wrapped a arm around her "what would you do if I get lost?" She asked with a silent tone "I would do this" he makes a 👆🏻 with his hand "even if I can't see you. I will always be watching you" she smiled in the sentence. He took something from his pocket and showed it to her "what's that?" The girl asked pointing at the box "its a bracelet" he opens the box revealing a purple bracelet "a token of our friendship" he said making her smile. He puts the bracelet on her and she smiled

A few tears formed in Garroth's face as it continued. He fought the tears and let it dry. Tears rolled down in Aphmau's face. She puts her hand down and walks to the castle. She knew that they wouldn't let her in so she went to a secret door that she always used to sneak out of.

As the carriages reached the castle and the crowed came in one by one. Garroth, Aphmau and Nicole were already in the cornation room. Everyone sat in their seats and it began

"Welcome one and all to the cornation of Prince Garroth, Princess Nicole and Princess Aphmau as they become queens and king" the priest says. The real Aphmau was hiding on the crowd of people. 'This is more like a wedding than a cornation' she thought to herself. The Priest went on and on till it reached Jessica "Princess Aphmau of Phoenix Drop. Is now Queen of Phoenix drop. The power of the Phoenix amulet UNLEASH!" The Priest let out the Phoenix. The amulet went infront of her and it denied. It flew up and went to the cloaked girl. Aphmau flew up and the Phoenix vanished as it went inside her. She floated back down in the front and everyone was wide eyed. Zane grabbed both the impostor's hands and tied them up. Lucinda took a potion and threw it at the importer revealing Sasha.

"A-Aphmau....?" Garroth said. Aphmau look sideways down and put a fist to her chest. Some parts of her clothes being brunt and torned off, her hair being messy, her face, arms and legs having some scratches jest made her uncomfortable. Tears rolled down her face aswell as Garroth. Garroth wrapped his arms around Aphmau and she cried in his chest making everyone let out a 'awe'.

"Aphmau" Savana says. Garroth lets go of Aphmau and Savana gave her daughter a hug. Laurance took Sasha away and threw her in a dungeon.

The cornation kept on and the Priest outs the crown on her head. Everyone celebrated. They where moved to the ball room and everyone partied and danced. Aphmau was in her room. She took a shower and got dressed. She is now wearing a purple ball gown with matching gloves. Her hair bounced down, they hid the scratches with makeup and she was all set.

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now