Chapter 43

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A/n: I apologize if I deleted Nicole's Diary. I will replace it with neither a Laurlyn or Laurance X Reader

Aphmau was lying in her bed. Bored as ever. While she was about to shut her eyes, someone texted her

Garroth: Hey Jessica?
Aphmau: yeah? Oh. I'm sorry for leaving without telling you
Garroth: why did you do that?
Aphmau: I didn't want you to worry about me. I live my life, Garroth I'm sorry
Garroth: its alright
Aphmau: heared that you are becoming King in 2 weeks
Garroth: I am. How'd you know?
Aphmau: a light brown haired boy told me
Garroth: Laurance is a bit nosy
Aphmau: a lot
Garroth: Aphmau? Are you hiding from me?
Aphmau: why do you ask that?
Garroth: you won't tell me where your village is
Aphmau: is that all? Fine. I live in Phoenix Drop
Garroth: that place was deserted
Aphmau: since I wad gone. Its under construction
Garroth: alright then
Aphmau: someone is calling me. Bye
Garroth: wait
Aphmau: what?
Garroth: I love you Aphmau
Aphmau: 😊. I love you too Garroth

Aphmau logged off. She opened the door, and saw Laurance. "Laurance? Whats wrong?" Laurance smiled "we received a call from Donna, she said that your neck should feel better right about now. How is your neck?" "It's not that swollen" "oh and. Katelyn came to visit today" Aphmau pulled Laurance's arm and ran outside.

As they arrived the gates Aphmau ran and hugged Katelyn. "Woah. Slow down potato" "shut up" Aphmau lets go of Katelyn "was she this excited when you said I came to visit?" Katelyn asked "she pulled my arm and ran up to here" Laurance said "hey. I love visitors" "you love everyone" Katelyn said "mostly cats" "you have a dog" Laurance says "hey! Donut add Celestia in this converse-ation" "2 puns in a row" Katelyn says annoyed "Aphmau. No" Lairance says "don't sass me" "I'll sass you whenever I want" Laurance says in a sassy voice "Oh no you didn't" Aphmau says "oh yes I did!" "Laurance. No. She's back in her sassy, pun self" Katelyn says walking away. "I need to go. I have some work since I'm new to being head guard" Laurance says "alright. Bye Laurance" "bye Aphmau"

They both left in different directions. Aphmau followed Katelyn. As they were walking Aphmau spoke. "Hey Katelyn. Why did you come alone? Aren't you suppose to be with Jefferey?" "Oh. Jefferey stayed in O'khasis. Since he is Zane's personal guard" "he is? Congratulate him when you get back" "Aphmau. Will you be able to fix Phoenix Drop?" "Me, my mom and Malachi thought of moving the village to a island. We asked Lucinda to make a portal so the villagers can come to the island easily" "your moving Phoenix Drop? When did you talk about this?" "Last night" "Aphm- I mean princess Jess. Prince Garroth will look for you. He can't let you go" "don't tell him about the plan. We thought of looking for a island tomorrow" -she's leaving. I can't beleave this. HOW CAN MY SHIP SAIL IF SHE'S NOT HERE?!- Katelyn thought "I know what your thinking. Don't worry. Tomorrow our ship will sail" "I'm thinking of a diffrent ship. Not a real ship" "atleast my LaurLyn ship sailed. Both in a real ship and a relationSHIP" "HOW DO YOU KNOW?!" "Brown hair told me" -y u do dis- Katelyn thought

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