Chapter Five UNEDITED

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Aphmau's pov

"LAURENCE!" I shouted in the forest. He came behind me
"Yes ma'am?"
"Dont go funny with me this is seriuse!"
"Who is Cadenza and Hayden? Why are they looking for y-"
I didnt get to finish because he puts his hand on my mouth
"Aphmau. Cadenza is my adoptive sister and Hayden is my adoptive father"
I take his hand off my mouth
"Your adopted?"
"Yes. I am. I am an orphan. For years no one took me in. Until Hayden came"
"You dont have to be sorry. It has already happened. Its in the past"


Shoot Garroth.

"I gotta go Aphmau"

Laurence ran off.

"Aphmau. What are you doing here this late at night? Who were you with?"
"First of all is it bad for a night stroll? Second I was with my shadow. Your seing things again"
"Oh okay. Well. Head back or call me if you need anything"

Good it wasnt what I was expecting

What she expected:

"Hey aphmau! What are you doing here?"
"Midnight stroll"
"Who were you with?"
"No one"
"Dont lie to me"
"I said no one. Your talking to my shadow bro"
"Hey wait a minuite! Im your lord now! So if I wont tell you just drop it!

Whew. That was a relief. Thought I needed to go talk some sence to make him beleave. I went back home and laid in bed. I took out my phone and went to wattpad. I felt a vibrate and Katelyn- Dang it! I forgot!

Katelyn: lady Aphmau
Aphmau: lady Katelyn
Katelyn: have you find him yet?
Aphmau: n-no
Katelyn: its been 1 month. Zane is going bullistic!
Aphmau: im sorry okay?
Katelyn: fine. Zane said to cut off the one year. You only have 4 months to get here. With him
Aphmau: okay.

The next day.

I went to the kitchen. Garroth was cooking b-fast

"Hey Aphmau. I made you breakfast. Eggs and bacon. I know how much you like bacon so here"
"Thank you"

He tried to punch me. I blocked

"Im never letting my guard down even to you" I said with a seriuse voice
"Hey! Atleast your getting good"
"Hey! Im stronger than I look"
"Prove it"

I striked his legs and he fell over then I went up to him abd made a fist

"Okay okay. Can you stand up now?"
"Yeah okay"

I tried standing up but he pulled me closer.

"Uhhhhhh Aphmau?"

Laurence said and I jumped out

"I bet this is the guy that I saw last night" Garroth said in anger
"And I bet this is the guy she told me about." Laurence said with the same tone
"Laurence so nice to see you" Garroth said
"Welp better go!" I said running and Garroth holding my arm not letting me escape
"Let go of her Garroth"
"Why should I? Despite the fact that you never told me that your alive"
I crossed my arms and did a pauty face as Garroth puts me to the couch.

I looked at my phone and Katelyn texted me

"Uhhhhh. Brb. Need to go to the cr"
"Just hurry up. We need a little talk"

Aphmau: Lady Katelyn!
Katelyn: calm down Sprinkles. What is it?
Aphmau: Thank you for saving my life! Oh my irene!
Katelyn: what?
Aphmau: the head guard here is talking seriuse buissness with Laurence
Katelyn: well this is much important. You know that Prince Malachi is comming? Yes? Then take a costume and hide yourself. Gotta go Bai!

Well that was something. I took a purple wig, a white scater and white tee.

"Aphmau" Garroth said
"Yeah did Laurence tell you?"
"Yes. I did, and we will solve this as sivilized people. Who will you choose"
"Nieghter of you. Garroth still with Azura and Laurence still with duties. I will choose when time is right. Now when is Prince Malachi comming?"
"Im gonna wear a costume until he leaves. He and I has something seriuse going on and I dont want to be seen"
"I understand" Garroth said
"Aphmau. I guess im going to. You know"
"Yeah okay"

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now