Chapter 39

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"A-A-Aphmau? Y-y-your awake?!" Garroth asked wide eyed. Laurance came to the other side of the bed and Zane put the food on a table and stood next to Laurance "Garroth? Laurance? Zane? What happened?" Aphmau asked a bit scared as she tried to sit up. Garroth helped her and made sure not to hurt her head or arm. "You were shot by a arrow and you fell to a rock. You were in a coma for about 2 weeks" Laurance said "w-what? Wait. Why was I shot with a arrow? Am I in O'khasis?" Aphmau asked "you are. Remember the whole 'Going To Bright Port' thing?" Zane asked "all I remember is you telling me to go to Bright Port, and now I'm here" Aphmau said "you don't remember anything else? Like me asking you? Breaking up?, fall off a tree?, a party?, war?" Laurance asked "wait. So I wasn't her first kiss?" Garroth asked "nope" Laurance said "stop getting mushy with her. This is seriuse. Aphmau don't you remember anything about Bright Port?" Zane said "no. I don't" just then nurse Donna entered the room. "Princess Jessica. Your awake" Donna said surpriced "w-who are you? Why are you formally calling me that?" Aphmau asked "oh right. She's having a case of amnesia. Don't tell her what happened because she might have a headache if it was told to her. Let her figure it out herself so its not hard to take in. Princess Jessica, I am Donna your nurse. Your father will come and visit today" "MY FATHER KNOWS I'M ALIVE?!" Aphmau screamed her nape hurted but Garroth cooled her down "yes he knows. It's about the going to Bright Port thing" Zane said "Aphmau. Use your inside voice. Of you're nape will hurt. I will take my leave" the nurse said leaving. "Laurance? Did you get water?" Aphmau asked "oh man I'm sorry I forgot about the water" Laurance said "I'll go get it for you Laurance" Garroth said "thanks bro" Garroth went outside. After getting the water he overheard Molly and Donna "Donna, she's alive" Molly said "I know. She was suppose to be dead-" Donna was cut off by Garroth "what?" The girls were shock to see Garroth "g-g-Garroth!" Molly said shocked "what do you mean by her suppose to be dead? Tell me the truth. I-I- I order you to" "I'm sorry. We tried our best these past 2 weeks. All tbe doctors couldn't take it. The arrow was cursed and the rock she fell in to was solid hard. I mean rocks are suppose to be like that. The rock broke her skull and came to the brain. The brain is part of the most important organs, is it not? 1 doctor said that she has 10% to live. Today was suppose to be her death" Donna said sadly "DOES HER FATHER KNOW ABOUT THIS?!" Garroth asked angered "y-yes. He was going to visit his daughters death. P-please don't kill us" Molly said putting her arms in her face. "I'm not going to kill you. How could you hide this from me?" Garroth asked calming down "we d-didn't want you to get angry about her............leaving" Donna said. A call from the intercom was heared calling all nurses "sorry Prince Garroth. But we must take our leave" Molly said. They both left. Garroth went to her room and Aphmau was left inside "sorry I took time" Garroth said "It's quite alright. Laurance made a call to my father and Zane had some 'High Priest' duties" -does Zane know about this? I mean he is a Priest. Was he the one to bless her death?- Garroth thought "here's the water" Garroth gave Aphmau the water. He sat next to her "I don't know what happened. But thank you Garroth. It feels like you did so much for me" "I did didn't I?" He says counting the right doings that he did -I mean she had been acting like a complete brat but who cares- he thought to himself. As the evening was getting better for Aphmau her family came "Jess!" Levin said running up to her and gently hugging her "L-L-Levin" Malachi ran up to her aswell but awkwardly stood next to Levin. Malachi held her hand "Ma-Malachi" Levin lets go of her gently "Jessica. It's so good to see you al- awake" Savana said approaching her daughter "I see someone dearly cares for her" Aphmau's father said "Garroth. Come" Aphmau's father calls on Garroth. They both went outside Aphmau's room. "How dearly do you love love Aphmau?" Aphmau's father asked "I love her. I won't let her die. I don't know if you know this. But I've known her since we were 6 years old" "explains why she always wondered off. As much as I want her to be happy. I can't stop you and Nicole's wedding. I am so so sorry. Yes I want you as my son. But it's your fathers desition. It's like laws of your father" -No law can stop, something this beautiful- Aphmau's father said. I guess you could say like father like son. "Don't worry. I will try everything I can to try to stop this wedding" Aphmau's father continued "" Aphmau's dad was in shock "I-I'm sorry. It just felt nice that someone-" "no. It's alright. I can remember this so in case that Levin gets older and I'm not here I can remember that" "like everyone compares me and Levin" "it's like Zianna and Savana are sisters that gave births to sons that look alike" "that's a little creepy" "were men. Who knows what girls talk about. I do that Aphmau always talks about games though" "Irene whenever we talk during dinner she always talks about games. Nonstop. I had to rip my ears off" "ha ha ha. Wait. You lived with her?!!!" "It's not what it looks like! She had no where else to stay and I had a spare room" -lied. Nice. Why didn't I let her live at the house that Laurance has before he took it? Or Cadenza's house? Irene now he might be on to me- "hahaha! It's good you didn't make moves on her yet" "I wouldn't do that. Not unless I get your permission" Aphmau's father smirks "your engaged"

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