Chapter 30 - Back in Phoenix Drop

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Aphmau's pov

We arrived at the docks. There were guards everywhere. As they saw us, they quickly surrounded us then raised their swords.

One guard approached me, his uniform wasn't like the others. His uniform looked like it was made by iron as well as his helmet and he wears a blue cape, while the others guards had stone armors and helmets, but they don't have any capes. He also didn't have a sword in hand.

"Who are you and where did you come from? Sorry, but don't have anymore room for more people" the guard says. Wait, I know that voice!

"That accent. That- Princess Jessica?"

A guard said putting his sword down. Then all the guards put their sword down.

"M'lady. Our king is old. Please come to the castle imidiately"
"My pleasure"

They brought us to the castle throne. I stood up strait. My father is facing the wall.

"M'king. Your daughter has returned"

My father gasped in shock and turned around. I ran to him and hugged him. I let go

"Jessica! Where have you been! Laurance? Aaron!"
"Sire. The kingdom Bright Port asked Princess Jessica to be their Lord. She refused and they kidnapped her"
"Jessica? Is this true!?"
"Y-yes father" I lied. Why did I even agree to this?!
"They will taste my wrath. Jessica. Go to your brothers and sister"
"Yes father"
"And change your outfit. Ough ware something more royal"
"My apologies father"

I left and went to my room. I put my phone in my bed and changed to a gown. Of course father sent Maids to help me. I changed to a purple gown and one fixed my hair and put a tiara on me. I went to my brothers room. Surpriced surpriced my sister was also their

"L-Levin? M-Malachi? L-Lilith?"
"SIS!" They all say running and hugging me.
"Sis! How long has it been!" Levin asked
"7 years I think?"

We played for hours. We went out and they introduced me to everyone. Some I remember and some are new. They are rebuilding the kingdom. Happiness is coming back. The village is in peace. I love this place. It would be better if Garroth was here. The day end. We went back to our rooms.i took out my phone and contacted Garroth

Aphmau: Hey Garroth!
Garroth: hello Lady Ap- Jessica
Aphmau: you can still call me Aphmau. Right?
Garroth: yes but it's not your name
Aphmau: it's fine. No beggie. So how's the village?
Garroth: it's doing fine. What about you?
Aphmau: I'm great. Oh I forgot I have 8:30 curfew. Sorry Garroth I need to go
Garroth: it's fine. Goodnight Aphmau
Aphmau: you too Garroth 😊

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now