Chapter 34 - third day

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Aphmau's pov

I took a gown and wore it. Scaleswind only allows people with gowns and suits. Which they also make the villagers wear. Ough their too overrated. I took a horse and roaded to Scaleswind.


I arrived at their gates

"Good morning Lisa"
"M'lady Jessica? Your back? What could I do for you?" He says bowing
"Call Princess Nicole. I need to have a word with her"
"Yes M'lady"

He stood my and went inside. A few minutes had passed and Nicole arrived

"Jessica. A pleasant surprice"
"Nicole. Do you know about your wedding?"
"I do"
"My father and Garte came to Bright Port yesterday. They were hunting for Garroth. The day after tomorrow. War will happened. Phoenix Drop, O'khasis and Scaleswind against Bright Port"
"They don't stand a chance"
"Ikr. Bright Port can't even fight 1 village. Do you have anything to help?"
"Yes. I have a friend. Wait a second. Do you know Dante?"
"Yes. He is a guard in Bright Port"
"That backstabbing lier. Fine. I have armor that is when you hit it it can't break and it doesn't damage the one wearing it. Also I have indestructible swords that one hit can kill. Kind of like herobrine sword"
"Who's herobrain?"
"Lol idk"
"Well thank you Nicole"
"Don't mention it. And I will have if ordered in Bright Port for you"
"Again thank you"

We shake hands and she let's me go.

"Now. WE NEED TO HAVE SOME CATCHING UP!" She suggested girly-ly
"So what happened with you and Dante?"
He showed up in our kingdom. The guards are aware and pointed swords at him. I-


"Let him go or I will spare you" they took their swords and left the gate. I opened the gate and let him in. But before I let him in I talked to him
"Who are you? What are you doing here? We ain't allowing merchants"
"I am not a merchant. My name is Dante. Thank you for saving my butt their. And you look beautiful"
"Thank you. I'm Nicole Von Ron'senburg. I am the princess of this kingdom" as soon as I looked at him it was like love at first sight
"M'lady, I am fresh from guard training. I am just looking for a village to stay in"

Flashback end

I let him in. 1 year has passed. He asked me out then asked me to be his. Of course I said yes. Until she came in. Her name was Kawaii chan. Dante fell in love with her and left me. I felt broken. I told my father but I regretted it. My father banned Dante from Scaleswind"
"Oh my Irene I should've Ough"
"Aphmau. Do you want to stay here for a bit?"
"Sorry Nicole but I have a plan to set up"
"I'm coming with you then"
"I'll tell my father okay?"

She left. Later on, she came back with supplies

"Here are the armor. I stole it once I got to the armory room. It has the swords too. Sorry to be strict but if you loose them your dead"
"Okay okay. Did he allow you?"
"He did. Elizabeth, please get this ordered to Bright Port A.S.A.P. Don't tell my father about this" she ordered her guard
"Alright M'lady. Goodluck on your travels" Her guard answered nicely
"Thank you, Nicole lets go" I say
"Excuse us" Nicole says

We rode our horses and left

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now