chapter 43 - Mac's birthday

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Everything was setup and ready ... and Mac is going home anytime soon so I ask all the visitors to hide and I off the lights ...

I heard Mac's car so this is it ... they entered and the signal was the ligths...

He turned it on and then..........

Everyone : surprise !!

Mac : oh ! Thank you ! Thank you everyone !

Then I run and hugged Mac as tight as I can ...

Mac : you made all this ?( while pulling away )

Scott : yes ! Did you like it ?

Mac : absolutely ! Wonderful !

Scott : thank you !

I look at Lizzy behind Mac and suddenly kath appear ... its mac's birthday and she's Lizzy's bestffriend that's Mac's girlfriend and she's Mac's friend too ...

Lizzy : great job !

Scott : welcome ! ( as I hugged Lizzy )

Then Kath stand in front of me ... I don't wanna hugged her so to make it not rude I just lend my hand and offer a shake hand ...

Kath : nice plan ...

Scott : thank you ...

She kinda frowned when we just shake but she's holing my hand tight and looking at me in the eye ... so I pulled away ... I saw Jessica came with tommy ... so I run to them and hugged tommy first ...

Scott : nice to see you again bro ! ( while hugging him )

Tommy : nice to see you again too ( as he nugget me back )

Then after that Jessica jump to me and I almost fell but still ... she hugged me so tight like I can't breath ...

Scott : you really missed me !

Jessica : not so much ! I'm just happy !

Scott : why your so happy ? ( as I pulled her )

Jessica : coz my first book will gonna be launch soon ! ( as she jump in happiness )

Scott : things great ! Congratualtions !

Jessica : I know ! ( then she kissed me )

I was shocked by the kiss but I can't move ... and I realize that kath was maybe looking so I kissed her back .... then hugged her ...

I turned around then accidentally see Kath crossed arms and looking bad ...

Then the party go smooth and greate but don't last long ...maybe Mac was tired ... I was going home then, but Mac stop me ...

Mac : Scott ! Don't go home yet ... just stay here and play ...

Scott : I thought your tired ...

Mac : tired ? No I'm still lively ! C'mon just stay please ... for the birthday boy ...

Scott : okay !

Then we went on the living room .. Lizzy , Kath, Jessica , tommy was sat on the carpet ... Jessica tap a place where I could sit , Mac sat on Lizzy's side ... Kath wasn't looking at us ...

Lizzy : where going to play .... truth or dare !

Mac place the bottle ...

Jessica : who wants to spin ?

Kath roughly spin the bottle ... as the bottle spin my heartbeat pumps too ... I'm nervous on who it landed ...but it landed on Lizzy ... kath sight ...

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