chapter 26 - The Dream ..

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Kath's P.O.V

Lizzy hung up and I put my phone to my lamp table and sleep . Sometimes I thought that Scott was a bad influence to me coz he always didn't make me sleep thinking about him . His so sweet and cute in some angles and I can't help my self every time I 'm with him or thinking about him...... so this is me , as usual as every night I was since me and Scott get together .....

Kath : Scott ! Why your always making me this ! ( I said to the ceiling )

I try to close my eyes and think about things , things that not about Scott .... but I can't so I decided to read a book .... so I went to my book shelf through my corner and then choose ....

I remembered that I always sleep to class when our science teacher discuss our lesson so I pick my science book and went back to my bed.
At first I enjoyed it but later on I didn't get sleepy my head just popped like it will explode of so much formulas ....

Kath : I need an ice .... ( in dizzy tone )

I walk to kitchen through the refrigerator , get some ice . When I'm on my way to my room I noticed a book with a cover that says " one last time " Scott quickly enters to my mind coz I remember that he love that song ... so I pick it and run to my room ....

I jump to my bed and opened the book and read it ...... after 2 hours of reading I get sleepy , but I'm about in the end of the story and I need to know what happen coz the girl and the boy were about to get married but some mean guys took the groom and they are planning to kill him .......I'm in the last page and ...and ...and sadly to say but the boy died ...and the wedding only happens on the girls dream .... I spend a minute crying to the story and after I cry finally I get sleep......

tomorrow morning .......

I was in my way on the gym, while walking I'm thinking about my dream last night .... me and Scott marry each other in a very romantic church and on our wedding party we dance alone with a very romantic song , his smiling and looking at me straight in the eyes and said I love you but I dreamed a bad one a really bad dream ... I dream that I fell down on the water and I can't swim ...I can't breath and I cant move and later on I just close my eyes and I wake up ......

All classes are done on my schedule except my on my cheerleading practice .... I went to my locker when I saw Lizzy ....

Lizzy : hey ... kath looks like your thinking something .... is there anything wrong ?

Kath : nothing just .... a good dream and really bad dream ...

Lizzy : what good and really bad dream ?

Kath : the good is I and Scott marry each other the bad is I get drowned underwater...

Lizzy : don't think about it they say somedreans don't came true ....

I get offended on what she says , coz if she tells that dreams do not came true it meas that I will not marry Scott .. well she looked at me and saw my face glaring at her so she said...

Lizzy : Kath come on ... I said "some " dreams don't come true I refer it to your bad dream ....

Kath : I thought your saying that I won't marry Scott ...I'm sorry ...

Lizzy : its okay ... but we don't really know if after all, his your one and only ...

After an hour .....

We are in the middle of our practice when coach calls a break ....

Coach : girls break !

I run to my bench through my bag and get my phone , I have a text message from Scott.... it says " hi Kath I'm on my swim practise ! Mr. Collin forgot to told me , maybe I can meet you after my practise ya !" I giggled and smile and notice that the text is 15 minutes ago maybe his done .....

While I'm looking at my phone some warm arms wrapped on my waist I knew who is it .... I know his skin texture and scent ...

Kath : hi baby ! ( as I turned around )

Scott : hey ... how did you know ?

Kath : I know your scent ! When I smell it I know your there ....

Scott : ahhhh so sweet ! By the way you done ... ?

Kath : um... its our break ! Actually wanna watch ?

Scott : sure ! ( as he kiss me )

He give me a 10 second kiss and I kiss him back ....

Kath : your noughty !!!!!!

Scott : but you kiss me back !

Kath : that's so silly !

He luagh and kiss me back ....

Author's P.O.V

Jackson arrive in the gym and saw Kath and Scott making out . He get furious so he run and grab Scotts back pack and punch him an said ....

Jackson : stay way from my girlfriend !

The other cheerleaders come and stop him hold both Jackson's arms to stop him while Kath run through Scott and checking his popped lips ...

Kath : Scott are you alright ? ( very concerned )

Scott : I'm alright ...

Jackson : you stay away from my girlfriend !!!!

Scott : stay away from who ? She's my girlfriend ! ( as he face to Kath )

Jackson : hey worthless nerd Kath is still my girlfriend !!,

Kath : what ? We broke up a couple of moths ago ! Coz you cheated on me !

Jackson : no we didnt coz we don't have any formal break up !

Kath : we are done ! I'm breaking p with you Jackson !

Jackson : no you can't do this to me !

Kath : I can ! Common Scott ( as she help him to get up )

They both went t the clinic to heal Scott's wound .. after a few minutes the nurse put some medicines on his wounded lips and the leave ...

Scott : why would he will do that ? You two broke up but for him your still his !

Kath : I don't know..... maybe his just jealous ?

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