chapter 44 - friends

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When I saw a door I open it and saw his bed ... I lay him down and but he sat up ...

Scott : thank you ...

Kath : anything for you ...

He look at me and then he stand up ...

Scott : I'm sorry ...

Kath : sorry for what ?

Scott : for the attitude ... I've been rude to you this days I'm sorry ...

Kath : its alright ... I was the one who stared it ...

Scott : do you still wanna friends ?

Kath : sure !

Then he smile ... I never see that smile before ... he went to the bathroom and then I started to hear the shower ... I went to the living room so I wasn't be you know something ...

After a few minutes I felt sleepy and I didn't know that I already slept ...

Scott's P.O.V

After I got out the shower I was thinking if she wants to stay and sleep but when I went out to the bathroom I haven't see her ... I left the room and saw her on the sofa sleeping ... so no choice I carry her to my room and place her on bed I put off her shoes and cover her the blanket ... while I went on the other room to sleep ...


I wake up ... I find my alarm but I remembered that I'm at the other room ... I was thinking if she wake up ... so I stand and went to the living room ... but nothing even in the kitchen ... but I saw a note beside a sunny side up egg and bacon ...

" I'm sorry for everything ... hope you enjoy " then a signature ...

She didn't even need too ... its enough that she made me breakfast ... no need to have letters ... but I still ate it ... the egg is good the bacon too ... but my egg and bacon were much better than this ...

Its 11:00 I have nothing to do now ... so I decided to watch TV ... I sat at the couch and pick the remote ... when I open it I saw Kath she's in the news ... she already launch her album ...and she changed her name she's now Kathy Jones .... I was confuse ... I never heard her sing before ... so I pick my phone and search her singing ... I watch it ... her voice was cool and she has high pitch ... its really good ... and I'm happy for her ...

After a few minutes someone knock ... when I open the door I saw ... lucy....

Scott : Lucy !?

Lucy : hi !

Scott : why are you here ? Your supposed to be at school ... ( as we walk to the sofa )

Lucy : well mom transfered me in an singing schools here in LA !

Scott : singing school ? Your singing ? When ? Why I didnt know ?

Lucy : I don't know ... maybe you just so busy at school and didn't noticing that I'm singign ...

Scott : I missed you ! ( as I hugged her )

Lucy : me too ! ( as we pull away )

Scott : how did you know my apartment ?

Lucy : mom told me !

I'm very happy that Lucy was here at least I'm not alone in this unit ... we talk about things and I heard her sing she's good she has high pitch too ...
As we talk things I just knew that she's a big fan of Kath ... and she really wanna see her in person ...

I was preparing our food at the kitchen when I heard Lucy screaming ... so I run through her to know what's happening ...

Scott : Lucy ! Why are you screaming ?

Lucy : Kathy Jones ! She will have meet and greet this Sunday !

Scott : so ... ?

Lucy : if I was the luckiest person it would be great and the best thing happen to me ! Its a ruffle of her fans and she will pick only 10 members to join her ! Isn't that the best !? For all the meet and greet this one is different ! It will have games, prizes and other stuffs !

Scott : do you really want to go ?

Lucy : that would be a pleasure !

Scott : then okay ... I'm free this Sunday ...

Lucy : thank you very much bro ! ( as she hugged and kiss my cheek )

Its Lucy's one time experience who am I to decline the most sweetest girl I've ever had ...

Me and Lucy haven't see for almost months so I wanna make this as our bonding time so while were eating ... I ask her to go out shopping and she agree with it ...


I drive her to the mall and bought things she needed to school she's not a material girl so we didn't bought any worthless things ... but when we saw a shop of Kathy Jones merchandise she dragged me there ... we didnt bought much things ... she said she had nothing to put those things anyway ... but when we saw and ice cream I dragged her ... ice cream was my favorite ... then I dragged her to an amusement park ... we went to the roller coaster ... I remember how much she scared about it ... then we went to watch a movie ... I want a horror but she dragged me to a romance movie ... but its great even if me and the guy character has almost the same experience about love ... we both fooled by our love ...

It was a tiring day for us ... and I'm sure she's' tired too ... we had a great time with each other and I'm happy that u got to spent it with her today ...

Author's P.O.V

Kath was at the studio finishing a song , since she met Scott after the break up , she started to work a song about him and her ... she's just finishing the song and she was going to release it soon with a music video with Scott maybe ... she realy want to get him back ... she really loved him ...

She can't forget last night ... she still can't first that Scott already forgive her ... it was just the start ... she's still thinking of the dare ... and regret again ... it was so close just one push ... but ruined ... so that she let it out by a tweet ... she says

" it was a great night with my babe but ruined by an embarrassing choking ... ps : don't make your babes drunk or else <3 :( ;)

Because of that tweet media's have been alarmed and paparazzis are waken up ... they are thinking that Kathy Jones has a secrete boyfriend ...

After 20 minutes before she tweeted many celebrity shows are broadcasting it ... they can't believe that she has secret boyfriend ...

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