chapter 35 - waken up in my dreams ....

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I was waken up by the sunlight and the tweet of the birds .... as I stand and look at my messy room ... makes me remember that last night isn't a dream its all true .... it makes me remember the pain and everything ...

I took my phone who was vibrating .... I have 129 messegges and call and its all from Kath ... does she have to make calls and texts just to make me tell to my self that I was a bitch to fall in love with her ... so I delete all the messages and calls .... and throw it in my bed ...

The door knocks .... so that I walk down stairs and open it ... good it was Mac .... I really need him ...

Mac : hey ... ( as he up his hands and show some paper bag and coffee )

Scott : come in ... ( in a messy tone )

Me and him walk to the dinning area but its just make me remember the time when me and her was eating and sharing sweet kisses ... its hurting to remember ... I think all corners of this house are memories that I don't want to remember anymore ...

Mac : here coffee ...

Scott : thanks ...

Mac : so tell me what you feel inside ... now and everything ....

Scott : I don't think I can ... It really hurts ....

Mac : I understand you ... its hard to tell something but you need coz its the only way to make it less ... even just a little bit ....

Scott : its like my heart was taken with no any anesthetic .... I'm very broken ....

Mac : do you wanna drink ? It makes things easier ... alcohol always make it easy ...

Scott : maybe I just need ...

Mac : do you wanna drink with Tom and Jessica ?

Scott : I don't know ? If you want go ...

Author's P.O.V

After a few hours ...the table was done...the beer was set . Its 7:45 and all they waiting is Jessica ...

Mac : Tom ...

Tom : yes ?

Mac : our friend ,Scott .... his very broken ...

Tom : I can see it ... his like no life ...

Mac : he didn't even cook for our lunch ... but he always does ... even though his sad or angry ...

Tom : our friend was hurted ... and its so hard for him ... I can feel it ...

Mac : I don't think he deserved to be like that ... his kind sweet , lovable , caring and most of all if he loved or said something came from his heart its true ....

Tom : why would Kath would do that ? Its obvious that Scott was better than Jackson ... if I wasn't a dumb girl I would think of that ...

Mac : but what if Kath really not intended to hurt him ... Lizzy told me that ..kath planned to use Scott but ... she regret it ... you can see in their eyes they love each other ...

Tom : your right ...

After that conversation the two walk two walked to the house holding some case of beer ... when they arrive Jessica was there ...she's about to ring the doorbell ...

Tom : Jessica !

Jessica : guys !

Tom : your just in time were about to start ...

Jessica : good ! But Scott ?

Mac : his inside ...

They entered to the house, they saw Scott , looking at his phone ...

Jessica : hey ...

Scott : hey ( in a very pale tone )

Mac : here a case of beer ... ( as he put the case down )

Scott took one and drink ... in just one gulp he already finish it ... his friends has big eyes and mouth as wow expression ...

Mac : Scott , take it easy ... ( as he took the empty bottle )

Scott : I can't ... ( as he cry ) I just wanna forget ... forget Kath ... forget our memories ... all !! ( as he cry harder ) I wish I never met her ...

Mac : Scott sometimes things happen on purpose ...

Scott : yeah ! She use me on purpose ! She use me to win back Jackson ! And I ! A big jackass who believed !! I was really dumb ! I knew it ! At the first place , I knew it ! The breakup ? I knew it ! I know that she will just used me ... but I ? ( he cry harder )

Tom : just drink it ... ( as he hand him a beer while rubbing his back )

Scott : I really loved her ... I really wish she does ! ( he cried )

Tom : we are just here ... man

They drink until Scott got drunk and slept ... the three doesn't drink too hard ... Jessica didn't even drink she just took one bottle ...

Mac : Guys we better take him to his room ...

Tom and Mac carry him to his bed ... Jessica just follow them ... its already 9:30 ...

Jessica : guys you better go home ... I will just gonna sty here and watch him ..

Tom : you sure ?

She just nodded ... and then the two both leave ... Jessica took a towel , bowl, water and alcohol ... she took of Scott's shirt ... she unbotton until she took it off ... then wipe his body ... while sponging him his talking to his sleep ...

Scott : I love you .... kath

She was hurt ... kath hurt him but he still love her after all ... she was hoping that he will learn how to love her ...

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