chapter 47 - peace offering

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     I was really nervous ... what would be Scott's reaction ? I hope his not mad at me ... or embarrass ... I enter to the main doors of corazon pertenece , Mac says its the restaurant Scott work ...

     I sat on the table ... one girl came to me and greet me ...

Gigi : hello ma'am can I take your order ? ( in a happy tone )

Kath : um ... can I see the menu ?

Gigi : I forgot ! I'm very sorry ma'am ...

Kath : its okay ...

    She handed me the menu ..... I noticed that she look at me and looks like confused ...

Gigi : um... ma'am ...I'm sorry to ask this but ... are you miss Kathy Jones ?

Kath : yes ! ( as I took off my sunglasses )

Gigi : wow ! I'm so lucky ! Hi I'm Gigi , big fan !

Kath : oh hi Gigi , your so cute !

Gigi : thank you ! But um... did you already choose ?

Kath : I want this paella !

Gigi : right away !

      She walk so happily ... but I'm still nervous ... how should I talk to Scott? I know his gonna be mad at me ...

      Why did I choose paella ? I'm a vegan ! I'm not spose to eat meat ! I'm eating salad instead . This is so wrong ... maybe I'm just paranoid ... relax kath relax ... after a few million sites my paella came ...

Kath : um ... excuse me ... can I have a salad ?

Franco : sure , ma'am !

    I can't eat this ... later  on Gigi walk to me....

Gigi : is it delicious ?

Kath : I hadn't taste it yet ...

Gigi : go and try ! Promise you won't regret on that !

    So I try ... I took my spoon and try ... its so delicious ... she's right I won't regret ...

Kath : who made this ? Its so delicious !

Gigi : Mr . Scott Mahwey !

Kath : can I see him ?

Gigi : everyone after they try this special paella ... want to see Mr. Scott ...

     She run towards the kitchen and after a few seconds ... Scott came out and his uniform really fit him great ! I almost puked ... he walks towards me his face looks like he didnt wanna see me ...

Kath : y-your the o-one who cooks this ?

Scott : yes ... ( with poker face)

Kath : its really good !

Scott : everyone too ...

Kath : okay ... I know your mad at me ... but I'm very sorry ... I made you in a Trouble .....and its my fault ! I was just insane and didn't watch my self from what I'm thinking ... I've been so careless about people beside me ... and that is so childish ! I'm very very sorry ! Scott ...

Scott : I forgive  you .... but you need to do me favor ...

Kath : anything ! Just to forgive me ...

Scott : my sister was a big fan of yours ...and she really want to be one of the luckiest 10 person on your meet and greet this Sunday ... and I want you to come at my place  at Sunday after the meet and greet ... to personally give my sister a private and very special meet and greet ... and because of that I will forgive you truly ...

Kath : game ! I will do it !

  This is the greatest punishment ever ! Thanks to Scott's sister ! I will be with Scott the whole night ... and that was very great ! I can't wait for Sunday ... I'm already nervous ...

Scott : deal ? ( as he differ his hand for shake hands )

Kath : deal ! ( as we shake hands )

   His hands were soft ... and very white ... his cheeks were rosey pink ... his glasses fits him great ... his really cute ! And I love it ... his just making me fall inlove with him so deeply !

Kath : what time ?

Scott : as long as you were done ... but please don't make it too long ...

Scott's P.O.V

     She accept it . This would be the greatest Sunday for Lucy ... she will gonna love it .

Scott : I need to go back at work , so.... see you at Sunday !

      She nodded so I walk back at the kitchen ..... when I get back my         co-workers are smiling ... Sonny walk to me ...

Sonny : you two were so cute  ! ( as he smile )

       I just ignore him ... but his teasing me ...

Roxy : you two both have chemistry ! Why won't you date her ?

Jake : that will be great ! I'm sure fans will love you both !

Monica : guys stop it ... your making him blush ...

    They laugh so hard ... until I just laugh too ... but Vince came and ...

Vince : guys back to work .. we have plenty of customers ....

     They stop laughing and back at work...

     Vince he might be a kj ... but its great coz  he save me from embarrassing teasing session here ... but every time I saw him his reminding me Vince my older brother ... what if his my lost brother ? But if his Vince my older brother ... he wouldn't act like he didnt know me ... I'm sure he will be glad he see me ...

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