chapter 20- too fast !!

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She kissed me more passionate while pulling me so much closer until we get inside . She pulled away and make me run through her room . In her room she closed the door and back in our kissing . I'm so confuse but never mind . She slowly unbuttoning my clothes . And I got a hint . When she is finish, she make me took it off and throw it on the floor . She kissed my neck and push me hard on her bed. I fell down and she quickly get on my top and back on kissing , I kiss her neck and she moan that makes me kiss her more she pulled away and take off her shirt .she is so sexy and it make her more beautiful . I feel like I'm burning Its so different . I like to kiss her all night long and never stop but its really so fast so that I push her away to stop

Kath: why !? ( as she gasp )

Scott: we need to stop .

Kath: but were having fun .

Scott: I didn't really want to stop this but were getting so fast . Its just are first day in relationship but we already straight up to this .

She nod and gave me a kiss on my cheeks then she stand . I picked up my long sleeve on the floor then she put her shirt too. She bring me to the door way and say our good nights ,I leave and then get home .

........ tommorow at school ......

I wake up its 6:45 and I'm late so that I did not take breakfast and run through my school.

When I was there Its still early so that I run to find Kath coz I didn't picked her this morning . I was walking then I saw her with Lizzy talking. I didn't want to disturb them so that I just went to my locker . I put my books on my locker when someone cover my eyes and I have my hint . I turned around and it was Kath.

Scott: I knew it its you ! ( as I giggled )

Kath: I saw you earlier ! I thought you will walk through me but you went to your locker .

Scott: I just don't wanna disturb you .

Kath: uhhh ! Your not a disturbance to me ! Your the center of my attraction !

Scott: your so sweet ! ( as I pinch her nose )

Kath: I just wanna say thank you last night .

Scott: why ?

Kath: coz I'm thinking of it all night and earlier morning I realize that you really love me !

Scott: you didn't believe that I love you ?

Kath: not that ! Its ..... last night were on an intense making out , and you stop it . I realize that every of my boyfriends except you never decline in that . It means that you respect me !

Scott: actually .... its not about that...but! A little bit .

Kath: why is it your first time ?!

I nodded and she laugh like that whole school can hear .

Kath: why should I ask ! If I know already that guys like you are..... never experience that ! ( while laughing. )

Scott: your so mean ! ( as I giggled )

The bell rang and we walk together with each other through our class. She enter to her history class and I on my science class.

After my class I straight to my swimming practice . ..

Mr. Collin: Scott ! Good your here , I like you to meet our new swimmer....Mr. Miller .

Scott: hey ! What are you doing here ? ( in a super shocked tone )

Jackson: can you see ? Or your super blurd eyes are so blurd so that you can't see me ! ( as he lough )

Mr. Collin : you kids stop ! ( as he cut us off ) .... I have an idea .! You two are swimming and the first one who touches the paddle wins !

Jackson and I quickly nod . I'm very excited at the same time nervous and scared , but this is the first time that I will stand and fight for my dignity ! I quickly run through the pool . Mr. Collin make us ready

Mr. Collin : on your mark !....ready ....set .....go!!

I jump to the pool ,but I didn't realize that my girlfriend came . But I focus in my swimming coz that is my strategy . I swim and swim and swim until I touched the paddle I rise and my girlfriend lended me a clean , white towel . I got surprised at the same time happy !

Kath: here ! ( as she give the towel )

I stand and she wipe the droplets in my body while she's doing that I look at Jackson who has a killer look staring at me . I got scared and nervous !

Kath: what's happening on you !? ..... your shaking ! ( as she get concerned )

Jackson walk through me and my body started shake more !

Kath: Scott! Scott! Scott! ( as she tap my face )

Scott: Kath ! ( I look at her )

Kath: your pail ! What's happening !? ( as she et more concerned )

She started to look at Jackson !

Kath: what are you doing here ?

Jackson : I will take you back ! ( as she said to Kath )

Kath: no ! You can't coz your a loser ( as she raise her eyebrows )

Jackson walk back and pushed me to the pool , and leave ! Mr. Collin helped me up me and said !

Mr. Collin : are you alright ? Don't worry I will not let him enter this pool !

I nod and rise to change . I walk through my locker with my girlfriend she helped me . In my locker ...

Scott: um... Kathhhhh! ( in a pleasing tone ) can you go home first coz I'm gonna take shower and I don't want you to wait me , its getting late !

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