chapter 33 - costume party

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Author's P.O.V

Its only three days before the party and every thing wasn't ready for Scott ... he became so busy in pursuing some late assignments , answering special quizzes and studying some late lessons ... he forgot the party ...


Scott : hello ?

Mac : Scott do you have your costume ?

Scott : costume ? ( he try to remember ) oh! The party ... I totally forgot ..I still don't have my costume !

Mac : well I guess if you come with me ...maybe later .... ( in a hoping tone )

Scott : I have to do things later ... but can we do it tomorrow ?

Mac : we will be busy tomorrow .. coz you know I'm part of the committee...

Scott : um... I'm very sorry ...

Mac : its okay ... will just ask Tommy and Jessica .. coz Lizzy and Kath already bought thier's ...

Scott : she does ? I didn't know ! I will just ask her tomorrow ...bye ..

Mac : bye ...

And they hung up ... Scott was confuse so he better call Kath but decided not now Tomorrow ....


After school Scott waits on Kath's locker .. coz Scott didnt meet her coz his late .... and then his busy on passing some test , lecture and assignments ...

He patiently wait until he saw Kath walking ... his smiling .. Kath too..

Scott : hi !

Kath : oh you owe me .. ( as she open her locker )

Scott : why ?

Kath : you didnt pick me at my house and you didnt showed up on our classes ... ( as she put her books to her locker )

Scott : I'm sorry .. I was very busy .. you know I need to make all my late duties ...

Kath : yes I know ... but you still owe me ....

Scott : I know ... but you owe me though ...

Kath : how ?

Scott : you didn't tell me you went out to Lizzy buying your costume ...

Kath : I try to ring you but you didn't answer ... so I just call Lizzy ...

Scott : now I need someone to go with me ..... can you still come ?

Kath : sure but ... you need to treat me ...

Scott : uh.... okay .. ( as he sight )


At the mall Kath was the one who is choosing ... she pick some captain hook costume ...but Scott didn't like it ...

Scott : I don't like captain hook....

Kath : you said you want a pirate costume ...

Scott : yes ! But not captain hook .... I don't like red , it didn't fits me ... I want blue one ( as he get the blue coat )

Kath : yeah your right ... ( as she put back the red coat )

Scott pay his costume and walk to the halls of the mall .... Kath dragged him to a fun house ... he gave her a confuse face but she just giggled ...

On the carosel ... Scott was just staring at her ... but when he glance at the entrance door ... he saw Jackson with Jessica ... he became confuse so he left Kath and try to chased them ... but he didn't get them ...he just go back ...

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