chapter 50 - the feeling

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While driving its been a silent ride between me and Kath ... I definitely focused on the rode ...

Kath : thank you for the ride ...

Scott : your welcomed give my sister the best night of her life ... that's so great ...

Kath : your sister was a funny and full of color in life ...

Scott : everyone says that ...

Kath : she's beautiful and kind, adorable and loving ...she's like you

Scott : really ? Your the only one says that ...

Kath : really ?

Scott : yeah ! I mean mom always says that were different ...

Kath : maybe its just your family nature ...

So that's are conversation ... when I saw the village I ask nth were her house was ...

Scott : were here ... where's your house ?

Kath : no need its just a few walk from here ... you could just drop me there ...

Scott : no ! Its dangerous ... and besides its a bit dark here ... your a celebrity and fans wouldn't be happy if I let you walk from here ...

Kath : your sweet ... thank you ....

Scott : I'm just caring ... you do me a favor I repay you with kindness ...

Kath : that's my house ! turn right and were there ...

I saw her house ... but its not a house its a mansion ! Its so beautiful ... and big .... and luxurious !

Scott : wow its beautiful and big !

Kath : thank you !

I parked my car and follow her tot he front door...its so cold so I rubbed my shoulder ... before she opened the door ..

Scott : its so cold .. ( I whisper )

Kath : thank you for the ride ...

Scott : your welcom ... see you soon ...

Then she come inside ... I walk to my car when ...

Kath : Scott ! ( I turned around ) do you wanna have some coffee .... or something ?

I don't know ... I smile and walk inside .... the temperature gets better as I went inside ...

Scott : nice home ...

Kath : thanks ... ( as she blush )

I slowly felt warm as her maid serve me a not coco ...

Scott : thank you .. ( as I smile )

Kath : its so cold ... ( as she drink her coco )

Scott : yes... I almost freeze out side ... I forgot to bring my jacket ...

Kath : why your hurrying ? I mean if you said so ... I'll wait ...

Scott : nevermind it ... by the way ... your alone here ?

Kath : yes ... but sometimes u invite my wild staff to sleep here and stay ... so I can have someone to live with me ...

Scott : I need to go ... ( as I look at my watch )

Kath : why ?

Scott : I have my work tomorrow ... ( as I stand )

She leads me to the main door and open it ...

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