chapter 9 - mission acomplished ?

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I try again to talk to Mr. Collin but I make sure Kath wouldn't interrupt me again . I enter to Mr. Collin's office and good his there.

Scott: good morning sir !

Mr. Collin: hey Scott ! Did you started it ?

Scott: um... actually I'm ....ah....figuring out what things did she like ! Like um..... what is her favorite flowers or chocolate or song ?

Mr. Collin: oh ! She love daisies, and sweet white chocolate and she always listen to Jason Maraz's love songs ( while imagining )

Scott: thank you sir ( as I smile )

Mr. Collin: good !

I leave now his office and started to buy some white chocolate, pick some daisies on the garden and downloading Jason Maraz love song.

I went my locker to change coz its our P.E . When Ka pulled me and fix my hair.

Kath: babe your hair its shaggy ( as she styling it )

I 'm going to speak but she gave me a death glair and just saw Jackson staring at me badly. I got scared . Kath pulled away and walk with me to the gym while holding my arm. Mac look at me and smile . I look at Jessica and I smile at her , she smile too but immediately look down. Miss Swam called us all and tell us to to our positions .

I stand beside Mac and tom . Me and Tom not really close but near to it. Miss Swam inspection us and I got nervous again. Coz every time she looks at me I think she would eat me !

Miss Swam : all of you have good looking bodies . Except you Mr. Mahwey ( as she pointed me ) among all of you have the thinnest and weakest body of all . Anyway all of boys 50 push ups now! ( she ordered)

Uhhh... my arms will be hurted again. But my body it will never change . I think of a plan that miss Swam would love When she yeeled at me ....

Miss Swam: Mr. Mahwey !!!!

Scott: rigth away !!!

Iimmidietly get down and while pushed upping I'm asking some advices to Mac

Scott: Mac help me !

Mac: what is it ?

Scott: uhhh... ( while pushing my self up ) I need tour help To make miss Swam inlove¡

Mac: why???

Tom: hey dudes !

Mac: hey tommy help him . I know your best a out plans

Tom: who ? Him ( as make his lips point me )

Scott: yes !

Tom: what is your problem ?

Scott: I need to court miss Swam for Mr. Collins to be my guardian !

Miss Swam : stop now group your selves were playing Dodge ball !

Tom: all right I will think of the best plan. Mac come on hear ( he yelled at him )

I want to be team up with the two when Kath pulled me and wipe my sweat .

Kath: we are teamates ! ( she ordered )

Scott: but I wanna be team up with My friends !

Kath: no arguments !

Uhh,,, Kath Kath Kath I'm always tie up with you. But I slightly like it
We position and miss Swam wistle and Jackson Throw me a ball but good Coz I missed it but I didn't realize that there is ball on my back and hitter me at the head very hard so that I collapes .

When I woke up I saw Kath's face....

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