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Hey mom" I greeted as I got home.

"Hey Lexi, you're home" mom smiled at me as she continued mixing her ingredients.

Mom was in the kitchen baking. That was always her things, she was good in the kitchen. Dominic wasn't much interested in learning so when they adopted me she was ecstatic that she now had a daughter to share this with. And I was willing to learn and helped out in the kitchen because it made me feel like I was indeed a part of a family again.

"May I help?" I asked.

"Yeah Sure you can do the vanilla one, I was doing the chocolate right now" mom replied.

"Okay great, I haven't had the time to do this in a while" I said as I put down my bag on the counter.

I went and grab another apron then went to wash my hand before I started to beat the eggs.

"Is everything alright dear?" Mom asked me.

"What? Yeah, everything is fine" I said to her.

"No seriously Lexi, what's bothering you?" Mom stopped what she was doing and asked me again.

I stopped what I was doing and sighed.

"Mom Gio asked me to be his girlfriend" I said to her.

"What? What did you say?" Mom asked.

"What do you think?" I said to her.

"You said yes" Mom guessed.


"And now you're worried about what you're father and brother is gonna say" mom said.

"Yeah, I know they're gonna flip out about it but that's not all" I sighed.

"Is not?" Mom asked concerned. "What else is wrong?"

"Mom, I found something- A file" I told her.

"What file?" Mom asked even though I'm sure she must've figured it out by the look on her face.

"A file with information about other mafia groups and their bosses, including Dad. Mom I think Gio is indeed another Mafia boss".

"What!? Lexi are you sure? You know what this means now don't you?"

"Yes I'm toast. I've agreed to be the girlfriend of the enemy".

"Sweetie, you don't know for sure that he is indeed the enemy" Mom tried to reassured me.

"You always try to see the best in people by giving them the benefit of the doubt. I love that about you mom" I chuckled. "But I don't think Dad's gonna feel the same".

"You know you have to tell them though, don't you?"

"Yeah, I know. That's the part I was worried about" I sigh.

"I'll be right beside you, if you need" mom said taking my hand in hers giving it's comforting squeeze.

"Thanks mom" I smiled at her.


After we've finished baking I called Dad and Dominic telling them I needed to tell them something. Mom had suggested that I wait and give myself some time before calling them. Now that they were here I was beyond nervous, I haven't been this nervous in years about anything. Marc was here as well.

"So Lexi you said you have something to tell us? It must be important I presumed" Dad said to me.

"It is, but I'm more worried about you guys freaking out when I say it" I said to them.

"You're not pregnant are you?" Dominic asked.

"What!? No! Of course not. I'm not" I replied quickly.

"Then what is it?"

"Don't freak out but Gio and I are dating" I said to them before adding, "Officially".

"What!?" Dad and Dominic said at the same time.

"I thought you getting close to that guy was just so you could get information on whether or not he's involved in a mafia which poses a threat to ours" Dominic said to me angrily.

"Lexi, don't tell me you've gotten emotionally attached to a potential enemy" Dad growled.

"I know, I know. I shouldn't have let feelings come in please but somehow it did. I'm sorry" I said to them.

"I know I shouldn't asked you to do this. So far only thing has happened is you becoming the guy's girlfriend yet you haven't figure out anything about him" Dominic said.

"That's what I wanted to tell you guys. I found something" I said to them.

"What did you find Lexi?" Dad asked.

"A file. I think Gio is indeed the boss of another group" I told them.

"What!?" I heard all three men said at the same time.

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