Chapter 22

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"Oh my God Marc what happened?" I asked Marc when he came into Lexi's restaurant.

I was back at the restaurant's more frequently once again now that the threat was neutralized. Marc had came by here and when he took off his jacket his shirt was soaked with blood. The left arm of his shirt was soaked.

"I had a bit of a run in with your boyfriend's guys"Marc said rolling up his sleeve. "I got glazed by bullet".

"What!? What do you mean you had a run in with Gio's guys and why the hell did you come here then instead of go getting immediate medical attention if you were shot!?" I asked frantically before taking my knife and slitting his shirt sleeve right up to where the bleeding had started.

"I was passing here and figured you'd have a first aid kit here and something to stop the bleeding" Marc replied.

"This looks like more than a graze Marc" I said to him before going to retrieve the first aid kit I kept in the cupboard on the wall.

"No really it's not as serious as it looks. I can assure you there isn't a bullet lodge in there, it's just bleeding hard because of the heat" Marc said to me as I pulled him over to sit on the sofa in my office and sitting beside him.

I slip on a pair of gloves quickly then took out some antiseptic wipes out of a pack using it to wipe off the excess blood that had ran down his arm. I then took out a bunch of cotton balls pouring some hydrogen peroxide then using it to gently wipe the wound.
Marc winced a little as I did this and as the peroxide starting fizzing around the area.

"Marc you need to tell me what the hell really happened" I said to him as I took a bottle of antiseptic pouring it on another set of cottons and cleaning the wound.

"I think they're after the same thing we are an that's gonna be an issue. That is why the shoot out started but I had to retreat because I was alone" Marc said to me as I took a piece of gauze cutting it off to cover his wound.

"What? English please" I said confused as I dabbed some dressing on the wound then covering it with the gauze a plaster over it.

"We were supposed to close off this big shipment deal and I think your boyfriend is after the same deal" Marc said to me.

"I'm not sure I understand" I said to him confused.

"You probably won't just know that the Cavelli's group now has the Luciano's as target enemies. And I think this has something to do with what happened to Rostov as well" Marc said.

"What? Why would that have to do with anything? Besides Rostov was Gio's enemy" I said really confused as to all that he was saying. "Are you even sure those guys work for Gio?"

"Yes Lexi I'm sure I know you're gonna want to give your boyfriend the benefit of the doubt but yes. The other night at SEATO, Cavelli had his men there as well. I believed they had planned to take him out as well and when he was found dead the Cavelli group now thinks that we kill him to take over" Marc said to me.

"That doesn't make any sense" I said shaking my head. "How do you even know all this?"

"Trust me I know, we had someone undercover infiltrating their group ever since you've found out that Cavelli was indeed the mafia boss. And based on the information he got the Cavelli group now views the Luciano's as an enemy and by the way they are now aware of Nic now being the boss since he took over from his dad" Marc said to me. "You need to be more careful now more than ever Lexi".

"Thanks for the heads up Marc but I think I can handle myself in case of anything" I said to him as I proceeded to finished cleaning up his bloody arm with more wipes.

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