Chapter 71

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"Where are you going?" Emilia asked as she saw me getting dressed.

"I'm going out for a bit" I said to her as I spray some hair spray into my hair. "I'm going to INFERNO".

" INFERNO? Gio's club? " Emilia asked.

"Yeah, I have to talk to him about something. You're free to tag along with me if you want, I'll wait" I said to her before applying some nude lipstick on my lip.

"And watch you and Gio make out and get it on in front me? Ew, no thanks. I think I'll pass tonight" Emilia replied sitting on the bed. "I'll hang out with you and my brother some other time, besides I'm tired".

"When since are you tired this early?" I asked her skeptically.

"Since tonight, I've had a long day today" Emilia replied stretching out on the bed.

"As have I yet I still have enough energy to go out tonight" I replied.

"Well that's because you're eager to go make out with Gio" Emilia chuckled.

"You know what you're right, I can hardly wait to make out with him and maybe more" I said smirking.

"Ugh! Too much info" Emilia cried covering her ears with both hands. "I don't want to hear about what you're doing or planning to do with my brother".

" Will you be okay while I'm gone " I asked as I shrugged on my blazer over my dress.

"Sure I'll be fine" Emilia wave a hand. "You're acting like you've never left me here before. I'm not a kid, I can take care of myself".

" Alright then, I'll be back later most likely " I said to her taking up my purse. "Behave and don't do anything I wouldn't do".

" Sure" Emilia said rolling her eyes. "What could I possible do? Go, have fun. And tell Gio hi".

" Okay, I will. See you later" I said taking up my keys before leaving.

"Going to see the boyfriend I presume?" Dad said once I was going to open the front door.

"Dad, you scared me" I jumped placing a hand over my heart.

"Did I? Dad asked raising a brow. "Or are you just a bit jumpy because you're supposedly sneaking out"

"I wasn't sneaking out Dad, I'm not in bandage. I'm just going out for a bit" I told him.

"Go on" Dad nodded. "But. Lexi, I'm serious about dinner this Saturday night. I want to meet the guy".

" I'm not... " I started saying but daddy didn't wait to hear me out.

"Ugh" I groaned pulling the door open.

After I got in my car I started my journey to INFERNO. I haven't been there in what felt like ages, its definitely been a while since I've visit or even just stopped by shortly. Gio had informed me before that he'd be at INFERNO tonight, he had no idea I was stopping by so I can just imagine him being surprised. I needed to discuss what happened earlier with Snakes to him now that it was obvious that he was the traitor. Apart of me want to keep this little information from him until I could probably find out who else in his family was Snake's traitor partner, and then maybe teach them a lesson but I know as much as Snakes threatened me and all that this wasn't exactly my fight and Gio could probably teach them a better lesson than I can.

After parking my car and making my way to the front of the club, I was let in instantly the the bouncer who had probably recognized me being here before. As I walked into the club I realized it was a bit full tonight or maybe it was because I haven't gone to a club in a while. Gio was most likely upstairs at the VIP area which is supposedly 'out of bounds to patrons ' so I made my way to the bar in hopes of getting a soft drink before going to find him.
As I made my way to the bar I noticed a very familiar statute sitting at the bar and this female obviously trying to hook up with him. From the tenseness of his figure I could tell she was getting on his last nerve and he was no doubt trying hard not to just snap the annoying creature's neck. I couldn't help but laugh to myself at the scene in front me. There's only just so little self control one can hold on to before snapping. I made my way to the bar area and wedged myself in between the two blocking the girl from him.

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