Chapter 56

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I woke up with my eyes hurting like hell and body ache. Stupid alcohol in that champagne really seemed to mess with me. Looking around I realized that I wasn't in my room, I wasn't even in a familiar room whatsoever. I jumped up sitting up in the bed and clutching the sheet to my body realizing I was bare. I ran my hand through my hair as I looked around the room confused, by the looks of it, it seems that it was obviously a hotel room. Rocking my brain for any memory of what the hell happened last night and why the hell I'm here my eyes widened in remembrance. Gio and I had came up here after our little scene after I had came out of the ladies room, and we spend the night right here in this bed. Oh god I really didn't wanna remember what I did last night. It was ridiculous I slept with the man I so wanted to kill for months now.

I wrapped the sheet around my body as I got off the bed quickly picking up my undergarments that were discarded on the floor from last night's incident. I hurried into the en suite bathroom washing my face and rinse out my mouth with the mouthwash as well as putting my undergarments on. I didn't see Gio around, I don't know if he was around but I wasn't gonna stick around much longer to find out. I wasn't even gonna stay to shower is anything that will have to wait until I get home, I just wanna get out of here and forget last night ever happened. I went back to the room picking up my shoes and slipping them on quickly before looking for my dress. I pick it up from the floor only to realized that there was no way I could go anywhere in that, the dress was ripped in two. Like seriously? I just remembered that after we had came up here last night Gio with his caveman attitude couldn't wait to get me out of it, he tore it from the split right up the middle. I wasn't thinking straight last night I wasn't even mad at him but now? I was furious.

"Shit" I said throwing the destroyed dress on the bed then picking up my clutch purse digging through it wildly for my phone.

"Where's the fire?" I heard Gio asked behind me causing me to jump in fright.

I grabbed the sheet from the bed using it to cover the remainder of my exposed skin which wasn't covered by my bra and underwear.

"What are you doing?" Gio asked sounding amused. "You know I've already seen your body more than once, you don't need to do that".

"Your an ass you know that" I said glaring at him.

He was now dress in a casual black T-shirt and jeans, where the hell did he get those clothes. Did he have them here with him?

"Are we back to that? I thought we were passed all this and name calling since last night" Gio said to me.

"Last night didn't change anything I still hate you, you arrogant piece of shit" I said to him. "Last night was a mistake that's what it was".

"Davvero Lexi?" Gio said raising a brow."A mistake? You sure about that?"

(Really Lexi?)

"Yes. A moment of weakness on my path and the second worst mistakes of my life" I said to him before picking up my ruin dress off the bed and holding it up. "Look at this, you destroyed my dress. Do you know how much that dress cost?... forget that...what the hell am I supposed to wear now?"

"Lexi I can buy you a thousand more of those dresses" Gio said to me.

"I don't want a damn thing from you!" I said throwing the dress at his face but he caught it before it hit him and throw it back on the bed.

"I guess you don't want these then" Gio said smirking as he held up a pink carrier bag.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Well these are clothes here inside this bag. When you were sleeping I had my secretary go out and get us a change of clothes but since you don't want anything from me I'll just take these back and find someone who needs them" Gio smirk before turning around.

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