Chapter 30

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"Don't. Move" Gio warned dangerously.

Holy shit.

"Baby what are you...?" I started looking over my shoulder but Gio cut me off.

"Shut up!" Gio shouted at me.

His voice was really scary when he was upset. I'd have to admit that. And I was also screwed right now. Gio had a gun pointed to the back of my head from across the room and he was also blocking the doorway. There was no way I could exit this place without having to go through him. If I was on that side of the room where the door was I could probably be lucky enough to run through the door but unfortunately I wasn't. There was only one way I could probably get out of here and its by bringing in the waterworks and hoping that he'd fall for it and let me go. If he love me like how he said he won't hurt me- at least I hope he won't.

"Gio I-I don't understand... w-hat are you d-doing?" I stuttered as I started tearing up hoping he'd bought the act.

"I said shut up!" Gio shouted angrily once more causing me to flinched at his voice. "You've been fooling me for months now, I'm not falling for your innocent act again".

"W-hat are you talking about? Why do you have a g-gun?" I cried innocently still hoping my plan would start working soon.

My phone was now ringing once again but I knew better than to answer. I ended the call by turning off the phone.

"I bet Luciano paid you good money to seduce me so that you could spy on me and bring back information about me and my group to him right" Gio laugh humorlessly. "And I was stupid enough to fall for you and you're innocent facade. No wonder I've been loosing those deals and Luciano has been a step ahead of us ever since you've came into the picture".

"Gio, baby I swear I don't know what you're talking about" I cried turning around slowly so that he'd see my face. "You have to believe me".

"I don't have to believe anything you say, you're nothing more than one of Luciano's bitches that he pay to do his little dirty work. To get use your body to get to men. You're just a stupid slut that I happened to take on interest in. But you're gonna pay for it" Gio said still pointing the gun at me.

I gasped at hearing those words. I wasn't gonna lie my tears were real right now unlike the fake ones earlier. Those words really hurt. Is this what he really think of me now or was it the anger speaking.

"Gio I don't know what you're talking about. You've seen and know that I run my own businesses. I didn't get paid by Luciano or anyone to seduce you or anything" I said to him.

"That's probably all apart if Luciano's plan. He gave you that restaurant to run, bought that other one and the building for you and gave you that house to stay in. Its all part of the cover isn't it!?" Gio shouted.

"What is wrong with you? I'm telling you I don't know what you're talking about. Where did all this come from? We were here perfectly fine and now you're calling me a slut and accusing me of being paid to seduce and spy on you by Luciano?" I cried.

"Because that's what you are! A lying cheating slut! You haven't denied knowing him yet and you can't can you!?" Gio shouted. "I have source that saw you, Luciano and Kathleen at the store earlier and based on what I've heard you guys seemed to have a very close relationship. So what are you two? His main bitches!?"

Ouch! Who would have thought that Gio could be this insulting. His insults were definitely hurtful. And the worst part was he didn't even know the whole truth. He doesn't know who I am to Dominic, he's thinking that I'm a prostitute paid by Dominic to get to him. Even though he was angry and being really insulting and pointing a gun at me now, I couldn't blame him. I mean what did I think was gonna be his reaction to finding out that I've been lying to him this whole time, even though he didn't have his facts straight. I was definitely not expecting roses and chocolate, I was lucky I'm even still alive this long.

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