Chapter 36

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I've never been this nervous about anything in my life. We were flying back to America today. Liam and I had exchanged numbers and contacts so that he could check up on me when I'm back home. After a week of debating with my self as well as some advice from Kathleen, I had decided to try luck in explaining things to Gio. However, I didn't think I was going to tell him about the baby -well at least not yet. Even though we were returning to New York where he was I was still not sure if him finding me just yet would be wise. I just didn't know if a month was enough for him to not be as angry with me, or change his mind about wanting me dead.

We were boarding Dominic's jet that he not so willingly send back for us. It was after just a couple minutes past one pm here and because of the six hours time difference between here and New York I decided before boarding the plane I would try calling Gio seeing his reaction to hearing from me before I left for New York. It was after seven in the morning there. then I'd be dumping my phone. I know if I call him he was going to track the call in order to find my location. I stopped outside at the plane's air stairs. Taking out my phone from my pocket.

"Is everything alright Lexi?" Kathleen asked noticing that I had stopped.

"Yeah, I'm fine I'm just going to make a call before, you go ahead" I said to her.

"Alright" Kathleen nodded climbing up the steps.

I sighed as I started dialling Gio's number which I still had memorized in my head. Hopefully he haven't change his number and I'd be able to get to him. I sighed nervously as I put the phone to my ear and heard it started ringing. After about the second ring I heard him answered. I haven't heard his voice over a month now and the sound of his voice sounding so deep and his rich accent sent all kinds of emotions rushing through me.

"Ciao Giovanni Cavelli" Gio answered.

I didn't know what to say, I just stood there with the phone at my ears breathing in and out. I couldn't help miss hearing his voice.

"Who is this?" Gio asked. But for some reason I couldn't answer. "I can hear you breathing on the other end so if you have something to say do so now because I'm hanging up"

"Its me" I said finally closing my eyes waiting to hear his wrath.

"Lexi" Gio said coldly.

"Hi" I said nervously.

"Listen to me. You don't hi me, because I'm going to find you and when I do you're gonna wish you were never born. Don't think you can hide for the rest of your life you lying bitch!" Gio growled angrily.

Well that's sure does stung I'm not going to lie. A month ago I was the love if his life and now I was being labelled as a bitch?

"Gio you don't need to resort to name calling. It hurts trust me. Anyway I need to talk to you and I want you to hear me out okay. I never ..."

"I don't want to hear anything from you Lexi, the minute you thought about betraying me then shooting me in the shoulder was the minute you lost that opportunity" Gio said to me. "You've done nothing more than lie and being deceptive ever since I met you. You better hope I don't find you in whatever hole you're hiding!"

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