Chapter 33

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We were here in Italy for nearly one month. Next week would make one month and I couldn't wait. I loved Italy but I have to admit I missed New York, we had enjoyed our time here in Italy but I missed going to the restaurants and checking up on everyone and how things were running. Guess the saying there's no place like home was indeed true.

I also needed to go home so that I could visit my own personal doctor. I kept having these stupid nosebleeds and the change of climate here was making me sick. I went to a doctor here, dad's housekeeper Addie had recommend me to a doctor here that speak English as well saying he was really good. I had Kathleen followed me and the driver Georgio took us. To my surprise the doctor was young, handsome and so happened to asked me for my number even though he said he knows he was probably being unprofessional. I gave the new number to him anyway.

I don't know if all these stress of what happened weeks ago was contributing to my weaken immune system and the nosebleeds. I was also not sure about what else to do to keep me relax. I've been training Kathleen how to get better at shooting as well as how to defend herself. That was the beauty of being in a mansion that has nearly everything to meet your satisfaction. There was a personal built in shooting range and a training gym here at the house, and we've been using that to our own disposal. But recently I had just monitor and instructed Kathleen to train on her own, because of me feeling sick and the nosebleeds I've been having it has caused me to be having these dizzy spells each time I overtrained.

So I was going to lunch today with the young handsome doctor Liam Guzman. He had called last weekend asking me out for dinner, I told him no and that I wasn't dating material right now. He had however begged me telling me it doesn't have to be dinner it could be lunch or even just coffee and that we could just talk. So I decided, what the he'll yeah we can get lunch. I was already here so might as well.

I was already ready and here in the living room on the couch relaxing and doing some crossword puzzles while Kathleen was on the other couch watching some romantic movie on TV. I wasn't interested to see it since my romantic life was no destroyed and a horror story and not perfect like those in the movies. I was about to get up after hearing the doorbell ring knowing that it was most likely Liam coming to pick me up but Addie beat me to it.

"I'll get it" I heard her said from the other room as she went to answer the door.

She then returned with a smiling Liam behind her.

"Ms.Luciano, Dr.Guzman is here for you" Addie said to me.

"Thanks Addie" I smiled at her.

She nodded then went back to where she was before.

"Hi" I smiled at Liam.

"Hey" he smiled at me then greeting Kathleen as well.

"You look really comfortable" Liam said in his rich Italian accent looking at my position on the sofa.

"I'm so sorry, this is really rude of me sitting here like this" I chuckled attempting to get up.

"Oh no, I know what it's like to be in a comfortable position and not wanting to move" Liam chuckled. "You can stay there a bit longer".

" I would love to since I've gotten lazy on this couch but we have plans " I said getting up.

"Are you ready then?" Liam asked.

"Yeah I was actually here waiting for you" I said to him.

"So I'm the one who is late then. Sorry for keeping you waiting I just thought you'd need a bit more time to get ready" Liam said to me.

"Its fine" I chuckled picking up my bag. "Ready to go?"

"Sì. Yeah" Liam nodded.

"I'll see you layer Kathleen" I said to her.

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