Chapter 80

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Two months of planning for a wedding is an actual short period but for some reason it seems like forever and was more stressing than I've realized. We had settled the venue first thing, since both families dealt with hotels and other business management we debated a while on which exact hotel to have the wedding and reception and then settled on having it at Gio's main hotel Fantastica. So with the wedding being held there, the catering and arrangements would already be taken care of. We had come to the agreement that we wouldn't use a wedding planner which was probably a mistake on my path since its been really stressing. I had asked mom, Emilia and Kathleen to help in being my wedding planners. We tried taking care of all the major aspects first, so my dress was already in making, probably almost finished by now. It was a hell to chose a specific design so the designer could make, I was extremely picky until I just said you know what screw it, just make sure it fits and looks good. It wasn't like I'd be wearing it again. The food choices would already be covered by the staff at the hotel and even some from Gio's and my restaurants but we had to go out to one of the best wedding cake bakers for choosing cakes and tasting last week. What started out as a very nice and excited moment turned sour the minute I had reached home. From tasting so many different cakes, I ended up with a bad headache from consuming too much sweet and a slight stomach ache. However the process was funny, Gio and I could not decide on one specific cake that we liked, there was just too many options to choose from. First he said that anything I chose would be perfect and he'd like it, but then after a few more cake tasting he liked a different one from what I liked. He wanted me to have the opportunity to chose the cake so he was like 'babe which one do you want? You can choose the one you want'. I thought it would be unfair to chose something I liked more when he liked another one, so I just decided to get three different kinds- the one I think I liked best, the one he liked best and the third one was a Lemon zest marble like cake that we both liked.

I had already gotten the invitations printed and sent out to all prospective guests. I had also choose my maid of honour, my bridesmaids, and the color I wanted them to wear. It may seem a bit too dark for a wedding but that was the color I wanted- as I had told Gio before I wanted my bridesmaids to wear black and red. Their dresses were already made as well, they'd just have to continue maintaining their figures for the next couple weeks so that they'd still be able to fit in their dresses. I had asked Kathleen to be my maid of honour, Emilia, Khadja and Amoya to be my bridesmaids. I didn't quite know who else Gio
has on his side of the bridal party, the minute he told me not to get mad but Lucas would be his best man, I told him to chose whoever else he wanted and not to tell me. The entire bridal party and guest would most likely be filled with mafia members from both families anyway so I won't be surprise if Gio's groomsmen were all from his mafia family.
He had however informed me that he does have a few other family members that I hadn't met before, including his dad flying here from Italy for the wedding. I was looking forward to meeting them.

I wanted Emily to be my little flowers girl, which is why Leon and I had met up for lunch and chat earlier today. He was surprised to find out that I was getting married. Our conversation wasn't all that awkward which I was thankful for.

"Wow, you're getting married? Congratulations" Leon said surprised.

"Thank you" I smiled at him. "Sorry, I hadn't mentioned it earlier".

" Its okay. I'm not offended that you didn't " Leon replied. "It is a bit of a surprise though. I mean a couple months ago I was asking you out on a date and now you're inviting me to your wedding".

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