Chapter 44

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I've been home nearly a week now and everyone's been treating me like a broken person. They kept treating me like a child and would avoid certain topics that they believe would be too sensitive and upset me. I wasn't really over the lost of my child, it was really all too hard to take in and believed that just as I was going to become a mother I lost that chance. I know that everyone kept trying to comfort me and telling me that I was young and that I could someday try again but that didn't matter, if I should ever get pregnant again it wouldn't replaced this one that I have lost. I wasn't even sure I ever wanted a child again, after suffering this lost I don't think I would ever want to experienced that again. I had cried over and over thinking about my baby that I never got a chance to meet, I didn't even get the opportunity to know if it would have been a girl or a boy. Liam had even called to check up on me and the baby. Imagine how it felt telling him that I had a miscarriage a few days ago. He was sad to hear the news and kept trying to make me feel better.

Whenever I started crying mom or Kathleen would always find me and tried comforting me. Even though I tried locking myself in my room trying to avoid everybody, they weren't having it. Kathleen had decided to stay home this week to try to be there for me and cheer me up. Same thing with Mom and Dad. Dominic have been visiting me a lot as well and Marc. I had even met Zach, the one who was undercover in Gio's group, he seemed really nice and I have actually seen him before but didn't recognized him then. I also got Kathleen to get rid of the security guard Reno that Gio had hired. It turns out he was indeed one of Gio's men and I somehow believed he had something to do with Gio's guy knowing where I was and my tyre that had been punctured.

Everyone has been trying their best to help me feel better but I know I wasn't going to feel hundred percent better as yet, its only been a few days since everything happened. Even more I wouldn't feel completely better until I get the revenge that I was planning to get. Dominic and the other guys had told me about how Gio had reacted to hearing that I was pregnant, but too bad for him he was the one who caused the death of his own child and now he was the main one on my hit list. In due time he was going to get what's coming to him. People always said to leave them to karma instead of seeking revenge but I was going to be bringing that karma to them all. Right now I just have to stay home and rest for a while as I try getting things under control, and get better, then I'd be able to get back to work and also start working on that revenge.

After I had locked myself in my bathroom crying most of the morning I decided if I wanted to start feeling better I should probably tried getting things that have happened off my mind by talking about something else or something so I decide to freshened up and head downstairs. Mom and Kathleen was home and since they've been really trying to help me feel better I guess I should try helping myself as well.

"Hey" I said smiling as I entered the living room.

Mom and Kathleen was sitting in the couch watching TV.

"Hey sweetie you came down" mom said smiling.

"You alright?" Kathleen asked.

"Yeah I'm okay" I nodded walking towards a the couch. "What are you guys watching?"

"The Arrow" Kathleen replied.

"You're kidding me right?" I chuckled. "Mom seriously?"

"What it seems interesting"Mom replied.

"I guess I'm joining you guys then" I said sitting down. "Oliver Queen is kinda hot in it"

"That he is" Kathleen smiled at me.

"Maybe I should go get something to eat first though" I said attempting to stand up.

"You sit I'll go look after something. Just give me a few minutes ok" mom said to me getting up and heading towards the kitchen.

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