Chapter 45

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Two weeks that's how long its been since I've lost my baby and since I've been out of the house. I was starting to get better but I was still not over what had happened, I still cried at times when I think about it, although not so much as before but it still hurt. This morning when I got up I decided that I was going to go out for some fresh air. Since it was a Saturday I decided to go to the park. That was somewhere I would never really go but I think the scenery but be a nice change for me.

Kathleen had asked me if I wanted her to accompanied me and mom and dad kept asking if I was sure but I told them I'd be okay and I just want to be alone for a few hours. I told Kathleen that maybe she could go back to work to check in on things today since she's hardly been there ever since the incident. She was trying to be there for me and I was thankful for that.
Since I don't think Gio still wants to kill me or kidnapped me again I think I'll be fine. After hearing how he had reacted after hearing the news that night I don't think he still wants me dead it was more like I want him dead now.

So I've been here at the park sitting on a bench by myself. I was just enjoying the cool wind as I watched kids played. Maybe if I hadn't lost the baby, my kid would be here in a few mire years playing as well. The though of that suddenly made me sad again as my eyes filled with water. I put my hand at the back of my neck as I tried to comfort myself. Just as a few tears escaped my eyes I used my hands to wipe them away as I tried getting rid of the rest from my eyes.

"Hello are you crying?" I heard a little voice asked me.

I looked down to see a little girl with shoulder length curly brown hair and brown eyes looking up at me. She looked to be about five it six years old, and had a doll in her arms. She was absolutely adorable.

"Hi" I smiled at her. "I'm not crying anymore"

"Why were you crying? Are you sad?" She asked me.

"No, I'm okay now. See?" I smiled at her. "What's your name?"

"I'm Emily" she smiled at me. "What's yours?"

"I'm Lexi" I smiled at her.

"Your name is pretty just like you, you are pretty too" Emily said to me.

"And you are even more pretty Emily" I chuckled slightly. "You're beautiful. So what is your doll's name?"

"This is Lizzie" Emily smiled holding out the doll so I could look at her properly.

"Wow, Lizzy is a really cool name for your doll" I said to her. "And she is beautiful just like you"

"You can hold her if you want" Emily said putting the doll in my lap. "She'll make you feel better if you're sad"

"Really?" I smiled at her picking up the doll. "Does she make you feel better when you're sad?"

"Uh huh" Emily nodded. "My daddy got her for me because he said she'll make me feel better".

"Where is you daddy by the way?" I asked curiously.

Just as she was about to answer I saw a guy came up to us.

"Emily what are you doing?" He said causing her to turn around.

"Is she bothering you?" The guy asked me.

"No no not at all" I replied. "She was actually cheering me up, and making me feel better by holding Lizzy here. Is she your daughter?"

"Yeah, Emily here is a little bit too friendly at times I worry about her" the guy said before sitting beside me.

"I noticed that. But she's really sweet and adorable though" I said to him.

"I know, I'm lucky to have her" the guy chuckled.

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