Chapter 78

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So Gio and I had flew to Italy a few minutes ago and we were now in one of his Dad car's that had came to pick us up. I couldn't help but feeling a bit nervous at meeting Gio's Dad. All I kept thinking was that if he doesn't like me its going to be a bit hard for me and Gio. Even though Gio said he wouldn't care, but its always somewhat a bit of a challenge in every relationship when your family doesn't like your boyfriend or your girlfriend. My family hated Gio at first but at least they seemed to be getting along quite well now, thankfully. So I'm really hoping that Gio's father won't be one of those old stuck up man that decide he doesn't like me without even getting to know me.

"You're really quiet" Gio said looking at me. "In fact you've been really quiet ever since you had board the plane".

" Sorry" I said looking at him. "I'm just wondering what your father is like".

"You don't have to be nervous Lexi. Sure my Dad can be a jerk at times, but only when it counts" Gio told me as he took my hand in his. "Don't worry, he'll like you".

" I hope so" I sighed. "I have never really done the whole meet the parents thing, so you'd have to understand why I'm a bit nervous now" I said to him.

"I don't get it, a girl with a personality like yours, who isn't afraid to kill when it comes to it yet you're here nervous about meeting my father?" Gio said amused. "I don't think he's going to harm you Cara. So try to relax".

"Well that goes to show you how much the little and simpler things in life, scares me" I chuckled slightly.

"Well you don't have to be scared. I'm here" Gio smile as he pulled me closer to him.

When we reach Gio's dads house, one of the first thing I noticed was the stone decor, it was amazing. Gio helped me out of the car before us walking to the door, telling me not to worry about the bags. By now my back was slightly stiff from sitting up most of the flight here and so the area around the wound was feeling a bit tender.

"Are you okay?" Gio asked as we entered the house, I was trying to discreetly work out the uncomfortable feelings from my back without worrying him.

"Yeah, my back just feels a little bit stiff that's all" I said to him not wanting to worry him.

"Maybe you should lay down and rest it a bit" Gio said as he helped me out my jacket. "You've been sitting up for a while now".

"Giovanni cara, è che voi ? Oh Dio è . Sono così felice di vederti , non avevo idea che venivi avrei..." An elderly lady dressed in a maid outfit came out greeting him with a large motherly smile on her face.
(Giovanni dear, is that you? Oh god it is. I'm so glad to see you, I had no idea you were coming I would have...")

"E 'abbastanza bene Carolina ... E' bello vedere anche voi , è stato un po '" Gio smile at her as he went to embrace her.
(It is quite alright Carolina... It is great seeing you too, it has been a while")

"Guardati, sempre più bello ogni volta che ti vedo...Allora, chi è questa bella donna qui?" She asked smiling at him knowingly as she turned her attention to me.
(Look at you, getting more handsome everytime I see you...
So, who is this beautiful woman here?")

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