Chapter 3

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"Shit!" I whisper yell as I jumped up from the bed using the sheet to cover my body.

"Who is that?" Gio whispered.

"Dominic," I whispered before adding, "my brother."

"Lexi?" I heard Dominic called and knocked once again.

"Yeah?!" I shouted as I started looking around for something to wear. "Give me a minute."

I was panicking as I ran and hurriedly grab a white bathrobe that I had worn earlier that was thankfully still in my room folded over a chair.

Gio laid there watching me with an amused expression as I quickly dropped the sheet I was using to cover up and slipping on the robe quickly and tying it tightly at the front. I headed to the door to open it before remembering that if I opened the door and Dominic was standing there he'd definitely saw Gio laying there on the bed.

I turned back picking up the sheet tossing it over to him in a hurry, then pointing him to the bathroom. Gio looked at me shaking his head amused before getting up and picking up his boxers and pants and heading into the bathroom. I ran my hands through my hair multiple times hoping to make it look presentable enough before letting out a sigh and opening the door.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I smiled as I greeted Dominic who was standing directly outside my door.

"You okay? You look as if you've just ran a marathon." Dominic replied looking at me curiously.

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just gonna go in the shower when you called so I had ran back out to get dressed so I could answer you." I lied casually which Dominic seemed to bought.

"Oh, I was just checking up on you. Seeing how you were doing since you've being trapped here and not allowed to see..." Dominic was saying but I cut him off.

"Its okay, I don't want to talk about that. What's done is done." I said to him folding my arms across my chest.

I knew he was going to say since I was trapped at home and not allowed to see Gio, but I couldn't allow him to finished his sentence because I'm sure Gio was hearing everything we're saying right now and I'm sure he wouldn't want to know now that I have been lying to him.

"Lexi you know this is for your own good right? You know how dangerous things can get." Dominic continued.

"Nic please, I said I don't want to talk about it. Now can we just drop it?" I said to him sighing.

"Yeah alright, alright sorry." Dominic replied holding up his hands.

"Thank you," I said to him."Now on to something that I want to talk about... The restaurant. Did you or someone atleast go there to check up how things seemed to be going? I called Derek and he said he's managing fine, but I'd like to be able to be there to personally check things to see that everything's running smoothly. I can't do that if I'm stuck here."

"Well being stuck here is probably for the best, you'll stay out of trouble." Dominic said to me.

"Yeah well you can't keep me out of trouble forever." I huff folding my arms. "And I'm not a prisoner okay."

"Here's the deal, you'll stay here until mom and Dad gets back then you're free to go out again." Dominic said to me.

I started smiling when Dominic hold up a finger. "But... Don't think you won't be having someone watching your every move."

"Wow Nic, I'm really starting to miss those days when you hated me." I said to him.

"Yeah? Well too bad." Dominic replied.

"Whatever," I waved him off. "So are you gonna be staying much longer? I really need to go have a shower and catch some sleep." I yawn trying to get rid of him.

"No, I have some business to take care of back at the office anyway just thought I'd check up on you." Dominic replied.

"Well thanks for stopping by then." I smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'll see you." Dominic replied before turning to leave.

"Okay Bye." I said to him letting out sigh of relief as I turned to go back in my room.

"Wait," I heard Dominic said and it caused me to stop turning around to face him once more. "I almost forgot, whose car is that outside?"

"What car?" I asked feigning innocent.

"Silver Audi R8." Dominic replied.

"Ron or Percy maybe" I said to him acting clueless.

"No, I don't think an Audi R8 would be their style." Dominic replied looking at me directly as if finally putting the pieces together.

"Why not? People's style in cars can change." I chuckled nervously.

That chuckle must have totally gave me away because I saw Dominic faced hitched with realization as he grab my arm roughly pulling me away from my door.

"Lexi, are you out of your damn mind?" Dominic asked angrily.
"You brought him here? Are you crazy?"

"Oww, let go. You're hurting me." I said as I tried pulling my arm out if his grasp.

"Sorry," Dominic replied as he let go off my arm. "Are you frigging crazy?"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry okay, but you guys had me prisoned here and I was bored and he wanted to see me and I wasn't sure how long my lie was gonna work. He was bound to figure something out if I kept away from him so I figured I'd invite him over." I said to him.

Dominic looked at me like I was a crazy person.

"Lexi, of all the stupid things to do. You did this!"

"Hey! In my defense there's not much stupid I could do while being stuck here. Besides, I've been told I can't leave the house, not that I couldn't invite someone over." I said holding up my hands.

"Get him out of here." Dominic said to me.

"How am I supposed to do that with you still here?" I asked him.

"I'm gonna leave and I want you to get him out of here, you understand me?"

"Yes, clearly." I nodded.

"Okay." Dominic sighed turning to leave but I stop him.

"Dominic wait... Please don't tell Dad." I said to him. "We don't want to upset him."

"Whatever." Dominic said to me before storming off.

I let out a sigh of relief as I head back towards my door to my bedroom. That went better than I thought. I went inside my room closing my door then leaning against it.

"Everything okay?" Gio asked peeping out of the bathroom door.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Did you hear any of that?"

"Not much." Gio replied as he came out walking towards me.

"Sorry about that." I said to him easing up off the door.

"I understand. Is he still here?" Gio asked putting his hands around my waist.

"No he's gone." I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Oh," Gio smiled pecking me on the lips.

"Yeah. Now where were we?" I smiled at him before pulling down his head and standing on my toes to kiss him.

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