Chapter 6

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I was going out with Gio tonight, I'm not sure where he was taking me but I know we were going out for dinner. He was picking me up after work so I had brought my dress along with me so that I could freshen up in my personal bathroom in the back of my office then changed.
I was currently running a bit late since I had to deal with some stupid customers- an annoying couple who was stupidly offended because they had came in for dinner and Kathleen accidentally asked if they were staying or having takeout. Hello? Mistake anyone? It was unbelievable.

They started making a scene, and torturing the poor girl, I mean couldn't they give the girl a break? Clearly she was new and made a mistake but making something so stupid and simple like that into a mountain was definitely overreacting. I had to make an appearance to solve the issue. It was times like this when I wish I didn't have to follow the number one business rule 'The customer is always right even when they're wrong' but could just put a bullet to both their heads shutting them up permanently for making unnecessary commotions.

After solving the 'big issue' with the annoying customers I had called Kathleen to come with me to my office so I could explained a few things to her. It was her first day here so I understand, she was bound to make a mistake since I didn't get to assigned anyone to explained things to her and I didn't get a chance to since I was busy earlier sorting out stuff that has to do with the refurbishment of my new restaurant before opening. After my lunch with Kathleen on Saturday I had told her to come by on Monday at 12. It so happened that when she came by I've been so busy at the time I just told Khadja to give her a uniform and apron and let her do what she could until I got the chance to speak with her. That time didn't come until now when we were in my office.

"Lexi I'm really sorry I didn't know, I'm just used to that question being asked to me when I go out to a fast food restaurant that I just thought it was the right thing to say" Kathleen said nervously to me as we entered my office.

"Hey Kathleen chill, I'm not gonna fire you or anything I just didn't get a chance to talk to you all day like I said I would" I chuckled. "And I'm sorry about that, you can sit".

"Thank you" Kathleen said nervously as she sat down.

I went to sat down on the sofa in my office as well. I had noticed from Saturday, that Kathleen seemed to be really nervous or jumpy when it comes on to people, it makes me wonder why on earth was that.

"First of all that couple were both idiots, they were overreacting over nothing" I said to her. "Its obvious that you're new and wasn't quite aware of how things run around here. It wasn't your fault that I didn't get to brief you on the runnings her instead of just throwing you out on the battle field inexperienced like that, so I wanna say him sorry".

"Secondly you asking them that question gave me an idea" I smiled at her.

"Really? What kind?" Kathleen asked curiously.

"I was thinking, maybe at my new restaurant I should make it like a fast food outlet as well where people could come and get meals to go or order take outs" I replied. "And of course I'm gonna have to hire persons for delivery but that's the least right now".

"I think that's a great idea Lexi, and that way I guess it'd be more profitable" Kathleen nodded smiling.

"Well I got that idea from you" I chuckled. "Anyway I wanted to also asked you something personal".

"What is that?" Kathleen asked nervously once more.

It was clear that this girl had zero people skill or was clearly hiding something. I mean she is way too jumpy and nervous to be considered normal.

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