Chapter 48

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I was going to gave a chat with Joe this morning. Its been two days since I've damaged his legs. Marc had informed me that both of Joe's knees were indeed broken as well as his nose. Well that much I had suspected the day when I had used that metal bat on him. I had some of Dominic's guys kept on eye on him for the past couple days making sure he didn't die. He was still there in Dominic's warehouse in a room that was like a make shift hospital but I had to get him out of here soon. Dominic wasn't amused with the idea of keeping him here and since he had literally pissed and shit himself multiple times since he's been here, he was stinking up the place. Dominic had told me that I should get rid of him once and for all but that wasn't really my plan.

When I walked into the room there he was laying on the bed still restrained by the hands and feet and still wearing the blindfold. His mouth was covered with tape and it was obvious that he wasn't unconscious because the minute I had stepped in he was alerted. The guys were right in here really stinks, I had to blink multiple times as the stench had caused my eyes to start water. Looking at Joe laying there helpless and definitely in pain I almost felt sorry for him. His legs were in cast and his nose had been bandage and his face was still bruised. I tried my best not to gagged and throw up from the smell as I took up the bottle of morphine and the syringe and went over to him.

Joe's head trash around obviously worried about what was going to happened to him next and since he couldn't see anything and I was right by his head now. I place down the morphine and the syringe by the table near to him before putting my hands at Joe's head intending to pull off his blindfold. Why was I even being nice to this guy was beyond me considering he was one reason why my baby died. I had told the guys and Dr.Lee not to gave him anything for the pain as I had wanted him to feel the pain as much as I did. He began thrashing around and pulling on his restraints and I had to talk to him.

"Stop thrashing around" I said to him. "I'm trying to help here"

At hearing my voice Joe's body immediately stilled. I couldn't seemed to pull the knot that I had tied on the blindfold the night I brought him here, so I brought out my knife and cutting the cloth in two. Joe opened his eyes then shut them back quickly as I blinked a few times trying to adjust to seeing light after so long. I gave him a few minutes until his eyes adjusted and his head turned to me. As realization took him over his eyes widened and a lot of expression crossed his face.

Shock. Pain. Anger. Fright.

He tried mumbling words which I couldn't understand because they were muffled by the duct tape covering his mouth. I looked at him with a blank expression before picking up the syringe and withdrawing some of the liquid morphine. At seeing this Joe was more hysteric now tugging on his restraints and was definitely fearful not knowing what drug I was going to inject him. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Its just morphine for the pain. Don't worry its not lethal injection. Now could you keep still for a minute unless you want to keep remaining in pain" I said to him.

Joe stop fighting and relaxed a bit looking at me cautiously as I took a cotton ball dipped in alcohol rubbing it over and area on his arm before injecting him.

"The meds should start kicking in, in a couple more minutes" I said to him as I put down the syringe.

"You're probably wondering what the hell is going on, what happened and why I'm being this nice to you" I said to him. "I know Joe,your eyes held many questions".

Sighing I put my hands over his face examining the extent of the damage. Joe's eyes had closed probably thinking I was going to hit him but instead I ripped off the tape. Joe winced obviously trying to hold back the cry at the feeling of the tape ripping off his skin and a few facial hairs with it. The minute Joe realized what happened he opened his eyes.

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