Chapter 77

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(IMPORTANT AN before chapter- Here's another update guys, hope you like this chapter. To all who continue to read, vote, comment positively and enjoy this book, thanks alot guys, love you. As for those of you who don't like the story anymore, think it's boring, predictable or cliché and have something negative to say, just keep it to your damn self or quit reading now. Its not like I'll care, no one is forcing you to read it, so if you're not enjoying it, move along. For those of you who haven't read the book but decide to comment negatively- just keep your crap shut OK.
Now with that out the way, here you go my lovely regular readers.

"Did you have any idea Emilia was planning on coming back here next week?" Gio asked me as we were cuddled on his couch together watching TV.

"Maybe" I said to him.

"So you did?" Gio said to me.

"Yeah well she did said she was only staying a few weeks in Italy" I said to him.

"I didn't know she had plans to come back, at least not that soon" Gio said to me.

"But what's wrong with her wanting to come back? She obviously love it here, you're here so what's the big deal" I said to him.

"I can't help but think she have an hidden motive wanting to run back here so soon" Gio said to me as he played with the ends of my hair.

"Since when does a person have to have a hidden motive to like somewhere?" I asked him. "I guess she just started liking the US more than home. I'm not from here either and I definitely love here more than England".

"Yeah but you now have a home and family here now for years and your entire life is here" Gio replied. "Its all different for here".

" Why can't you just accept the fact that she loves it here. You came here and obviously seem to love being here as well, so why do you make it seems like she shouldn't? Or that she doesn't belong here? I thought you'd be happy to know that you have family here" I said to him sitting up and turning to face him.

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