Chapter 47

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I've been sitting here watching Joe's helpless unconscious body being tied to the chair for a while now. After I had dragged him to my van last night I made sure he didn't have any device that could track him before I brought him here to Dominic's warehouse. Even his belt I had removed and gotten rid of, I wasn't going to take any chance or risk. The only way anyone was going to track him here was if he had a tracking implant like me which I didn't think he had. I know he was really out for the remainder last night from those pills and from that hit his head got in the hood of the car. So I left him hands on feet securely and tightly tied on the floor and returned this morning to start my revenge on him, but the bastard was still out apparently, so I dragged him to the chair restraining him to it. I had blindfolded him and gagged him last night when I left him here as well.

I was only going to keep him for a few days. I had came here just so he could get a taste if what I went through when he had took me. I was tired of waiting for him to wake up so I got up and full a bucket of water then returned and dump it over his head. The water sure did the trick because he jerk up. Realizing that he couldn't move, see or talk he started struggling trying to get lose and was making muffled noises. I wasn't going to make spoil talks and tell him that struggling wasn't going to help him like he had told me, after struggling a bit he was bound to find out soon that he was wasting his strength.

I took up the heavy metal bat that was in here that Dominic and his men used to beat their enemies whenever they bring them here. I approached him and then swung it hard into his right knee, Joe cried out in pain and was struggling to get free but his cries were muffled by the tape and the piece of cloth that I had used to gag him. I wait a few seconds for him to settle down again before swinging the bat across his other knee and again he cried out and try pulling from the chair. I raised the bat again and swing it across both knees at the same time for about five more times as I tried getting out all the rage I had stored up inside me but I know I had to stop now or else I would end up killing him. I know for a fact that one if not two of those were definitely broken.

As heartless and ruthless as I could be I decided that I wasn't going to completely or brutally torture him anymore. I know he was only following orders when he kidnapped and drug me so was just giving him a taste of how I felt as a result of him doing that. He had drugged and kidnapped and then I was left to be tortured. As a result of all these actions I lost my baby and how he was feeling now was exactly how I had felt. Losing that baby felt exactly like I was being beaten with a metal bat, I felt the pain and I was still broken. I took out the camera I had brought with me and snapped couple pictures of Joe here in pain. I could easily put a bullet through his skull right now but I wasn't going to. I was going to let him stay here a few days and then send those pictures the ones of him being unconscious last night back and now back to his beloved boss.

After looking through the pictures they weren't gruesome enough, so as an extra I took off my shoe and hit him hard across the face knocking him out again. Who knew a shoe could be this dangerous? I had made sure to hit him so that his nose and lips would start bleeding not not hard enough to kill him or caused any severe damage, at least I hope not. His nose was most likely broken though. I then snapped a couple more pictures of his bloodied face. Before taking out my phone and calling Marc and Dr.Lee telling them to come before hanging up.

"Its too bad Joe, you were pretty handsome" I said lifting his unconscious head examining his face.

"Its nothing personal, its just payback. Alright I lied, it is personal. You worked for Gio, he told you to drugged and kidnapped me and bring me to your warehouse. I think you already know what happened after you left that room, after all you and your buddy Ciro placed me in that chair. And yeah I got shocked, but that's not all I ended up losing my baby as a result. So this is just my way of coping with my lost. Its such a pity that you're probably not hearing me right now and I'm probably going to have to tell you this story all over again. But you know what it doesn't really matter because me getting this off my chest, I'm starting to feel better already".

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