Chapter 60

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"You're mad at me" Gio stated once I sat down to eat breakfast.

"Why ever would you say that?" I asked sarcastically as I added a spoon of sugar to my coffee. "I'm so not mad".

"See, that's how I know you're mad at me. You're being sarcastic right now, its something you tend to do when you're upset" Gio replied causing me to raised a brow. "I'm observant like that".

"Well aren't you just a great detective" I snort. "You know what, maybe you should join the force then since you're sooo observant. You'd solved a lot of cases".

"No, I'm quite contented with my current occupational status" Gio chuckled.

"Glad to know" I said rolling my eyes at him taking a bite of the waffle.

"No but seriously Lex, why are you mad at me?" Gio asked. "Ever since Lucas called me last night you've been like this".

"And you're still asking me why I'm mad?" I asked in disbelief. "Can't believe you haven't figured it out as yet"

"Are you mad because Lucas called me? I barely spent five minutes on the phone with him and what he had to say was important. He was calling to let me know about a shipment deal I had with this dealer" Gio replied.

"Yeah yeah, criminal information right? Whatever, Gio I don't care what he had to say to you" I said putting down the coffee mug.

"So are you saying that I shouldn't be talking to Lucas any at all then?" Gio asked raising a brow at me. "Because if that's what you're saying then- no offence but you're being ridiculous about that babe. He's my right hand man, I'm his boss so that's inevitable".

"What I'm saying is that your 'right hand man' has really damn bad timing. And he's an ass pretty much like you so if you want someone to blame, blame him" I said doing air quotes around right hand man before getting up with the plates.

"What?" Gio asked in disbelief before started laughing. "So that's what you're so mad about, Lucas interrupting".

"I'm glad you find that so funny" I said as I place the dishes in the dishwasher and walking off leaving him.

"Where are you going?" Gio asked getting up as well and following me.

"To go bake a cake genius" I said rolling my eyes as I reached the bedroom picking up my overnight bag.

"Sarcasm level is really high this morning Cara" Gio chuckled obviously enjoying my little so called tantrum.

"I have to get to work Gio, so where the hell do you think I'm going?" I asked before stomping off to the bathroom.

"How about I join you?" Gio said to me.

"Uh no, I'm gonna shower and you're not welcome in here" I said trying to shut the door on him but Gio used his foot to block the door.

"Babe, You can't tell me that. This is my bathroom so if I say I'm gonna take a shower also you can't stop me" Gio smirk before pushing the door open and stepping inside.

"You know what? You're right, it's your bathroom so you can have it. I'll just shower at work" I said throwing my hands up in the air in frustration and trying to step out.

"No you're not. Get back here" Gio said pulling me back to him and closing the door. "We are showering together".

"In your dreams pretty boy, not happening. So let go" I said trying to get out of his grasp.

Gio only held me tighter before started tickling me. As much as I want to remain mad at him I just couldn't, especially not now when he was tickling the hell out of me. I had to burst out laughing.

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