Chapter 59

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"Gio I think its time you bring me back now" I said easing myself up from his chest.

Gio and I have been laying here and just talking for hours but it was now time that I get back to the restaurant so that I could get my van and go home.

"No, let's just stay the night. I missed holding you like this" Gio said wrapping his arms around me once again.

"I'd love to stay here all night being all cosy with you but I really do have to leave" I said getting up once more. "If anyone of my family members found out I'm here, we're so dead, especially you. After everything that has happened they now hate you even more than before".

"Yeah I can only imagine" Gio said getting up as well. "I don't blame them, I mean things got out of hand with us and I hurt you. I hate and want to kill anyone who hurt my family as well".

"Exactly, so right now I've made this stupid decision of giving you another chance, its gonna be like I'm a teenager once again and sneaking around" I said sitting on the edge of the bed putting on my shoes.

"Stupid decision?" Gio raised a brow. "And you sneak around as a teenager?"

"Yes it is considered a stupid decision- giving the same man who hurt and almost ruined you another chance? If that isn't a stupid decision, I don't know what is" I said before standing up. "And that story about sneaking around is story for another time".

"There's just so much to learn but I'll figure you out eventually Lexi, I always do" Gio said putting on his shoes as well.

"Like how you figure out the mole in group?" I raised a brow challengingly. "Maybe you should stick to trying to figure that out".

"I'm handling it" Gio said picking up his jacket.

"I hope so, are do you need my help? I'm pretty good at drawing out the rats" I smirked.

"This is my fight, my group I'll deal with it" Gio replied.

"Suit yourself Italian boy" I said walking out the room.

When Gio reach back at my restaurant it was already starting to get dark. I tried pulling the car door but it wouldn't budge. Sighing I turned around to look at Gio.

"Gio the whole point of you bringing me back here is to let me out of the car you know".

"I'm actually rethinking that idea" Gio said.

"You've got to be kidding me. Do you want me having to shoot myself out of here or shoot you to get out? You know I will?" I said to him before leaning over his side of the car to unlock the doors.

"I'd have to punish you for that" Gio said grabbing me before I could get back on my side.

"Oh yeah? What do you have in mind?" I teased smirking.

"Something like this" Gio replied before claiming my lips in a rough kissing.

"Woah" I breathe out once Gio let me go. "Lesson learnt, so can I go now?"

"I'm not so sure" Gio replied.

"I'd love to stay cage in your car with you but its getting late and if you want me to get home safely, you should just let me go now" I said before opening the door.

"I'll call you" Gio said to me.

"Yeah, okay" I smile before giving him a peck on the lips. "I'll see you around Gio"

" So what you're saying is that the house is gonna be filled with nearly a hundred men from the group?" I raised a brow at Dad.

"No its just about 20 of the more higher rank guys" Dad replied.

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